Satan sent the Strong Delusion the false god


My ability to decode can and will prove that my Djinn demon brother Saul/Paul lied when he wrote The book of 2 Thess. Chapter 2:10-11…along with all his books included in the New Testament.

When I apply my decode here is what is revealed.

A strong delusion. Noisuledgnortsa

N, no eye’s Su led gin Sa

My decode says this: Serpent no eyes, Su(trick) led Gin Saah (Egyptian way to say yes) 

Su can mean trick in Korean

2 Thessalonians 2:10 means John 2:10

Two The SS a loan Ian’s

These tricksters made everyone drunk in their lies and fake show and pandemic. 11:11 is representing the other twin towers that guarded me from seeing my truth until Donald Trump divinely woke me up.

He helped me see what I had gone through and gave me eyes to see the truth. I survived the trauma of satanic rituals and molestation giving me eyes to see and ears to hear. 

In the book of John it reveals how the best wine is saved til last.

The reason the SS are a loan is because their souls are not permanent. These fallen beings will be trapped because they will face the real truth and everything will be revealed. No more wine will be served for their satanic sacrifices.

The name Ian = is an another name for John. Ian is Irish and the Phoenicians resided in Ireland. They were related to the great sailors. Who sailed on a ship? Saul aka Paul. He is the lier and his fake false prophet. All the truth will now be disclosed. My truth is simple no need for complex learning or allegories.

Parables or Pair Ables were two from the family of Cain who were twins.

No one except me and Donald Trump can give you the real truth.

I have everything to disclose nothing to ever hide from anyone.

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