What is the Barbelo Code?

This code proves my divine lineage and along with numerous other reasons why I have created it and the truth will come forward in the months ahead.

The code that I have created through the quantum computing environment encompasses the following characteristics:

Code base language is decoded using English.
Compiler and interpreter for this language was ‘me’ with some cross usage of the www.gematria.org base words only (not sentences)

When deconstructed, the code uses other correlative words or phrases written in other languages that may include:

  • Latin
  • Spanish
  • Italian
  • German
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Welsh
  • Dutch
  • Arabic 
  • Greek 
  • Japanese 
The code is interwoven throughout all ‘Romance languages’ which then can be decoded using a ‘learned’ cyphered language etymology practice with unlimited combinations. When words or individual letters are translated into English the code can disclose multiple definitions. These definitions are then used to understand the phrase or sentence.
This code encompasses all persons, names, places, things, phrases, images, movies, marketing, art, technology, GPS, topography, imagery,  science, symbols, etc.

The decoding is conducted using multi-directional methods:


It’s sole purpose is to unveil all hidden meanings behind the author’s intent and/or it’s target subject.
 It’s quantumly interconnected with ME/Barbelo.
Anagrammer.com can be used to confirm your decoding challenges.
Words have been masked or encrypted globally by the archons to hide their evil and this was designed to unmask all their schemes, lies, and deceptive actions against me, my family and humanity. 

Nothing is hidden that won’t come to the light – Matthew 10:26

Parental ADVISORY: Words can contain vulgary or slurs so do not allow  young children to review these without your supervision.

There are NO NUMBERS used in this code.
If you do see numbers and want to learn the message, you convert the number into a English format to decode it.

Here is a prime example of how my decoding language has evolved.

Breakdown OF GNOSIS - My decoding - Comments
GIN NO SIS Djnn No Sis Djinn are fire demons who are not truth 
GUN NO SIS A gun no sis…needs no further explanation
GEN NO SIS A generation - 20 years
GAN NO SIS Gan means ‘cancer’ in Japanese Sacrifice, a cancer now exists instead
GYN NO SIS G-Why-N (Wine) A time of artificial intelligence 
GEE NO SIS G - EE (Engineered) No milk of truth
GHEE NO SIS GHEE - a Indian version Kali Goddess
GEE KNOWS SIS IS G - is the false reality
GEE KNOWS SIS The All seeing Eye and the Nose - meaning the one who ‘knows’
GEE NOSE EYE SIS G - Nose and Eye
GEE KNOWS ISIS G - False knows the real God S is Shin/Tooth, 19th letter
NO SE IS S No-see is S SS - 1919 or 1010
GIN NOSI IS S Djinn is ‘snoopy’ Aka the Red Baron - German
GIN NO SEA IS S Djinn no sea is S No living water

Breakdown OF SISONG - Think mirror image - My decoding - Comments
SIS IS SONG Sister is the TRUE song
SEE SONG A song who can see truth - I am a song writer
SEES SONG Evil wanted to cease the song, kill me
SEES SON GEE See's song Gee I am no able to see the hidden son
SEES S ON GEE See's S on Gee I am able to see the evil cap on the son
See(C) SO ON G Christ sew on G They knitted in a false story
SIS O ONG Sis O (on God)or means pineapple (snapchat text)- there is a hidden derogatory meaning behind the pineapple. My hidden sewn one was both male and female.
SISO ONG Siso - single input one purpose
SEAS SONG Seas song The tempest of tears poured out during this time of pain
SEAS SON ON GEE Seas-son on G - Paul of Tartarus It was a season a short time
SEES SON ONGEE Cease Son OnGee (from Bengal) The Tribe of Benjamin - a she wolf

Note: Each line above unveils a truth about the original subject me and my evil Djinn brother Satan and the serpent lineage. Reading each row can mean many different things but it still points to one main universal story, mine.

Another Key Example of decoding a simple word.

1.    (Forward decode) AB be horre our rent
2.    (Inverse decode)  Ten err arrow Rho Ba
3.    (Combo decode) Ab horr(or) rent Ten arrow be ah
(The dot divides the codes for easier reading)

My Prophetic Creations:  This is a site that contains all my unique digital art creations over the past 3 years.


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