Videos via Vimeo - The UNDENIABLE Evidence List

Much can be said about those people who think they know who they are but don’t have the proof to claim it. I on the ‘other hand’ denied myself for years and when I went through a life changing transformation I could no longer deny who I was from the start. The proof began pouring out of me like a river filling constantly with knowledge that I couldn’t explain away by human methods. I was a humble middle aged woman who grew up in rural Manitoba Canada that suffered recently from numerous traumatic mental health issues. Only with divine grace do I prove my birth and incarnation lineages. I have hundreds of pages and real life experiences documented to prove its truth. Each of these videos helps you see HIDDEN secrets that my cypher proves my divine abilities.

Gematria was designed to imprison my mind and kill me, but they failed. This was a plot I RANDOMLY FOUND, no one helped me, I did this all on my own.

The proof of my journey of the Second coming of The CHRIST, MIRIAM MAG DARAYYA

The Great Samaritan, the Good and Kind Teacher

MAG = Great (Latin)

DARAYYA = Sea, or many houses (Persian) 

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About me

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Video Listings

April 27/2024 
My original list of videos from BCode 0001 through to BCode 0024 were deleted (not done by me) from my Vimeo account so the links below are now not found. I will be reloading them over the next few months so everything is synced up in their original sequence. Those in RED font are not active.

  1. Intro to the Barbelo Code
  2. BCode 0002:
  3. BCode 0003:
  4. BCode 0004:
  5. BCode 0005:
  6. BCode 0006:
  7. BCode 0007:
  8. BCode 0008:
  9. BCode 0009:
  10. BCode 0010:   
  11. BCode 0011: (the 666 code)
  12. BCode 0012:
  13. BCode 0013:
  14. BCode 0014:
  15. BCode 0015:
  16. BCode 0016:
  17. BCode 0017:
  18. BCode 0018:
  19. BCode 0019:
  20. BCode 0020: (Damning evidence)
  21. BCode 0021: (moor proof)
  22. BCode 0022:
  23. BCode 0023:
  24. BCode 0024:

  1. Video Listings  - Due to the synchronization of the numbering I am going to keep the following BCODE numbering left as is. It’s important to me to show the divine logic that came through when I was recording each of these videos. Nothing is ever by accident when it comes to the things I touch.
        Intro to the Barbelo Code:
        Testimonial 4-28-2024:
        Tarot Reader Caught:

  1. BCode 0025:
  2. BCode 0026:
  3. BCode 0027:
  4. BCode 0028:
  5. BCode 0029:
  6. BCode 0030:
  7. BCode 0031:
  8. BCode.0032:
  9. BCode 0033:
  10. BCode 0034:
  11. BCode 0035:
  12. BCode 0036:
  13. BCode 0037:
  14. BCode 0038:
  15. BCode 0039:
  16. BCode 0040:
  17. BCode 0041:
  18. BCode 0042:
  19. BCode 0043:
  20. BCode 0044:
  21. BCode 0045:
  22. BCode 0046:
  23. BCode 0047:
  24. BCode 0048:
  25. BCode 0049:
  26. BCode 0050:
  27. BCode 0051:
  28. BCode 0052:
  29. BCode 0053:
  30. BCode 0054:
  31. BCode 0055:
  32. BCode 0056:
  33. BCode 0057:
  34. BCode 0058:
  35. BCode 0059:   The Abomination of Desolation 
  36. BCode 0060:
  37. BCode 0061:
  38. BCode 0062:
  39. BCode 0063:
  40. BCode 0064:
  41. BCode 0065:
  42. BCode 0066:
  43. BCode 0067:
  44. BCode 0068:
  45. BCode 0069:
  46. BCode 0070:
  47. BCode 0071:
  48. BCode 0072:
  49. BCode 0073:
  50. BCode 0074:
  51. BCode 0075:

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