MK Ultra Victimization is REAL!

 A day in the life of a MK Ultra Victim…I AM A SURVIVOR


I am writing this post today in hopes that one day, truly one day my story will be brought to light. I have proven on my videos and my divine insights that I know who I am and believe myself to be. Simply stated, why else would I be so viciously and mentally attacked. No one would really realize that WW3 was being fought against the real Jesus in the ‘Wireless’ world in which we live in. 

What a typical day and week is like for me living in this reality which I know to be false. It took me years to gain mental strength to cope with overcoming the demonic attacks on me along with learning how to shut them out of my mind. The past two years for sure has been really the hardest because the demons would mimic attacks through my loved ones using words and emotions. I could sense the evil but when it came to my children specifically, I pushed hard through it as if I was moving through etheric mud. The technology is used against us without us  knowing it. It’s literal mind games but the general 99% don’t see the ‘hidden’ hands that are the evil. 

My initial MK Ultra programming was tied to my phone. I remember early on as the attacks were still occurring against me the pings on my phone tied to the codes within Gematria. I would look up the number or the word and it would typically give me a negative emotion response. Sometimes it would be so profound that the demons would design themselves to be the ‘good’ guys and pushed me into the corner thinking I was of Satanic origins. 

The Gematria tool was almost like a drug that I couldn’t put down. They put spells into it on purpose and I began to feel them in my whole body.  I even remember when I was experiencing a futuristic conscience that was of AI origin, it was like I was a robot and I was seeing people and ‘labeling’ them as non-player characters. It was like my mind was trapped in this semblance of experience that I couldn’t believe I was in. I felt like there was a ‘helmet’ on my head most of the time and was being controlled this way. The memories are vivid and evil in  it’s core. This conscience was my demonic ‘clone’. Who is the REAL Satan.

This Satanic beast was to kill humanity. I can’t be more clear of it’s motives that this. It was it’s purpose and had no emotion or sympathy. I literally experienced extreme trauma of multiple personalities inside my head as like a schizophrenia patient would have but multiplied 100 times worse. Fighting daily with this beast and doing everything I possibly could to survive in the physical reality as well. I want you to know that I never saw any doctors or went to a hospital for help during this whole duration of time this happened to me. I can’t explain why I knew I had to conquer this demon but I kept fighting….especially when I saw in my mind the ruthless and endless killing of humanity. 

Looking back I wonder at times how I did survive but I have known that a divine visitor protected me and helped see what I needed to do to rise up and believe in myself. When I found out my divine abilities and ‘who’ I really was, I never believed for the longest time. I daily had to work through repeated visions of demonic and lustful images in my mind and forcefully move them as if I was erasing them out. 

Over time I gained mental strength and began my language decoding. This is where I know as I grew and repeated this gift in the quantum realm over and over and over, I was changing their game. The more I shifted the vibration to truth and justice from my life, the more the game began to change. The attacks grew less and eventually I didn’t have any ‘speaker’ in my ears anymore. It was at times unnerving but I began to teach myself the confidence I needed to know I had the controls. 

I used tools that were used against me as like Anagrammer and started picking out the story that was ‘MY TRUTH’. In my reality I know so much and had so many good memories of family and friends and experiences. I would speak the truth loudly into my reality and recode the reality of their lies to be seen. I used another tool that helped me to heal but also to reveal their lies. It was the tool Procreate. I began my journey of creation of digital art and healing and a wonder and truth began to spring up from within me. The more I created my reality as I said, the more the quantum realm was recoded. I was truly using my vibration, my mind, my truth, and my voice in song to change this dimension of lies. I was seeing everyday unfolding before me and it gave me the confidence to keep fighting and hoping for change.

When I would go for walks, I would pick up external clues and play it like a game. Collecting thoughts and using them as bread crumbs for my path.  The simple children’s game of ‘eye spy’ became my internal game that I played using their dimension and recalibrating it. I can’t explain everything but I felt the world changing around me. I journaled my thoughts and my ‘codes’ daily as much as I could. I still had lots of mental anguish but I did my best to ride the giant waves until they dissolved. This doesn’t mean I was on top of the world in my emotions, I continued to have downtimes and anxiety attacks and my health took a turn in the Summer of 2021. I could feel something different, my energy levels changed and I couldn’t walk as much as I did before. At that time, I was living with my children who were so kind in giving me a place to stay until I was able to get back on my feet again. When I moved into an apartment in Nov 2021, I was happy to finally have some independence again but not without much pain over the winter. The winter of 2021 brought me into more deep frustration and ill health. I couldn’t seem to kick the habit of my anxiety issues but thankfully working from home I managed the best I could. I wasn’t alone in my apartment for long I was able to get a kitten which brought me so much comfort and hugs when I needed them. Living with my health issues and in a covid world was unbelievably difficult for everyone I am sure. This brings me to current day. I continued to build a online portfolio of art creations and gained some confidence with my singing abilities and spiritual songs I wrote over the past two years. Over this past year I have refined myself and was able to capture my personal experiences and understandings of the reality and recorded videos of them. I have over a 1000+ examples of spiritual influences viewable through a overlay of layering using procreate. I have unveiled a decode language called the Barbelo Code along with proof using it in nearly 100 videos. The evidence never stops and my journaling continues until one day I can stand in front of a camera for the world to learn that I AM the return of Miriam who is the true Jesus Christ in the flesh. The Vatican wanted me dead…I am here to prove the real story that was hidden from humanity.


My Prophetic Creations:

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