With Precision
It’s been a long couple weeks since I added a post. I feel like I lived through hell, and survived yet again. Daily fighting, for my life, for my purpose, and for my truth.
I actually tried to move back to the US and it failed but I think looking back now there was a real purpose for me going there. You see I had to stay in a homeless shelter, which wasn’t very glamorous or secure. I just wanted to go back because I liked being in the USA so much. However, I would soon find out that, even though they had jobs there for me, my expired passport pushed me back to Canada. Going back wasn’t ideal. Circumstances were not what I wanted, but I tried my best and that’s all I could do. I learned what I didn’t want to experience again and learned what I do want. I never fought so hard for something in my life, and that was LIFE itself.
I was no more than a week in the US but I did one most important action and that was to prove I was Q. Did you know the shelter that I went to was on the street called Q St.?
No coincidences in my life.
In fact, I drove to the US military base Offutt (Off Foot) and spoke with officials, asking for them to contact Donald John Trump, because he was expecting me, and I still know to this day that is the truth. I showed them my backup documents that created the decoding language called the Barbelo Code, and I showed them the website with all the video evidence. On today’s news, it posted about showing proof as well. I’m here I’m not only physically showing proof, but showing my divine truth that openly revealed using everything using the Barbelo Code.
The military didn’t do much about it. They just logged that I was there and the date and made sure they checked out my vehicle and identification. I left the military base without any feedback, everything was very cold in their approach, but I kind of expected that.
Why would somebody believe that a woman is Q, that comes out of the blue…. they’ll see you soon enough that I am the truth and the WAY.
Thinking back to when I stayed at the shelter, I believe I was meant to go down there to experience the “Bardo” that my djinn brother was in control of. In fact that shelter felt like something I never experienced, but I still could sympathize and feel peoples pain there. You see, I had no money, barely any, and I wanted so desperate to find myself when in fact, I did. There was a man there. His name was Richard and I ironically felt he was part vampire. I believe somehow there was a connection from the past life with him. Very negative energy, very negative spirit.
I think my purpose was to, go to Omaha and thread the needle. As they say, the rich man would not be able to go through the eye of the needle, but I believe I had to tie up the needle so that I could catch Satan and his demons.
When you think of the letter Q there’s a circle and a thread, the letter Q to me, represents the threading of the needle. This also is symbolic to my knee, that has a cross scar on it, and in grade 3 I had a rusty needle removed from it. Once again, nothing in my life is coincidence patterns exist everywhere.
I was able to understand my djinn brother’s matrix and decipher and decode everything that I could see. There’s probably things that he doesn’t know that I know, but I’ve been able to see with great eyes, and with great wisdom.
I don’t believe I was Sophia, do you know why? Because Sophia was a robot in the whole aspect of this matrix and I was fighting against the AI game and I am is NO robot.
I’ve been observing a lot over the past several weeks. Not writing anything down much because of my loss of energy due to my fibromyalgia. There were some interesting observations I made today that confirmed that I am the constant in this life experience and everything around me is fluid and changing within multiple timelines. Now the timelines are merged and repeated images and clones are showing up everywhere. I’m just picking everything up quickly as it comes through. I guess that explains a lot about dĂ©jĂ vu experiences when you learn that Satan of this world was reusing souls.
I wasn’t the one that taught “Repentance theology” that was my djinn brother’s religion. My religion is justice and peace, and most importantly, family balance and love. A lot of changes are going to come in the New World I create with my partner, the love of my life, whom I’ve been patiently waiting for.
All I wish is for my children to know who I am, and to know how much I love them.