Standing in my TRUTH

They are censoring my BLOG

They are censoring my blog even more. I decided to create a new backup on so I can keep pushing out my real story. 

It’s not been easy in anyway to be an example of what Jesus Christ the real one stood for. I was tortured with electronic weapons, I was physically attacked, I was forced into deep poverty, then illness came upon me to nearly take me down. BUT I made it through and I kept fighting. I can’t give up because when you really know and see the truth around you, YOU CAN”T STOP.

Do I get sad, most definitely…do I cry? 
I do absolutely….do I miss having someone to believe in me…of course. 

I have been mostly alone on this path but there has been spirit filled influences that helped me survive everything. 

When you are hated so deeply and you’re forced to lose all that you have…the story of JOB becomes your true reality. 

I stopped reading my bible months ago, in fact, I tore it all up in small pieces. It symbolically represented what they did to my mind. It’s not every day, one wakes up in a state of shock of what felt like a etherial attack on your mind. I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through what they put me through. I say often, I can’t believe it’s me, I don’t want it to be because I have suffered the most. However, I remember my love for my family and my global purpose and I keep pushing forward. 
I have endless information and at times it gets overwhelming to know all this information behind the ‘mirror’ so to speak. I see things, I hear things, I understand things that can’t be explained away by human means. I have said this before…I don’t know EVERYTHING but what I know will shock the world once it gets out.

People say how you must believe in yourself and in your own truth….wow, when you find out you’re a hidden secret God that the Illuminate kept secret….even from yourself…nothing can prepare you for this kind of knowledge. You have to have divine strength to be able to battle this great invisible fight…and I believe  soon this will all come to light and expose all these fallen beings. 

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