Canadian Geography using the Barbelo Code


Like I have described, I have messages contained in all words, including an example of the 'combined' decode for the Canadian provinces. 

How would I know, it's because it's my story so I know what the words mean exactly to help me understand their true meaning.


See Ana Ad AA Dana AC (AntiChrist)


Knew You Foe Undie deal LA Andy DNA Ald knew of when

Nova Scotia.Aitocsavon

Nov. Ass Cot Tia, AI talks see AV on

Prince Edward Island. Dnalsidrawdeecnirp

Prin see war our D Eyes Is La Andy DNA LAS ID draw Dee sin Ire Rip

New Brunswick.kciwsnurbwen

N (snake)  knew you be ruins wick, KK see eye twin (double you)UR Rob be when


Que EB ecce (behold) CB be uq (UK)


Oh on Tare our IO, O eye Rat TON (Wait/weight) know


M Ani IT Two Ba, AB bought in AM (day)


Ess, Ask Kat, see hugh ewan an NN naweh see take ess Kay sick ass


A wait be err our Tao, AA Tree be La (son)

British Columbia.Aibmulochsitirb

Be our IT Isha, Sh Cole Loom Be AI, AI be mulochs IT Trib


Why UK CON On NN, OK you (Q) knew why

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