Here is another list of videos that I initially tried to upload to YouTube but they were censored too much. Now I will just directly link them for you to view.

Every day I have been building the confidence to keep sharing my message about who I am and what I have experienced. I also want to give my message a global audience because I know I am here to change the world for the better and to bring justice for the millions of lives that have suffered like me.

I created this artwork on this page to describe my past imprisoned mind that I had for many many years. The pain of wanting to hide myself and go deep within. It’s been the hardest thing for me to not only talk about my experiences but to stand up again my enemies.

Each day I am doing my best in faith to move forward step by step and to remain in the real truth of loving myself first. 


More Facts…not fiction 

My story:

How anagrams work with me:

Artwork gives me signs:

What is hidden comes to light:

What my coffee says to me:

A written song:

Signs of the times:

A royal decode:

What is 369:    

The rising of the game boys:

George McFly in the sky:

Jesus is a Girl:

The false Christ:

Walked through fire:

Mounting evidence:

A heavy talk:

Deep fake alert:

What is CovFeFe:

The Locust:

A system code:

John 10:10:

Real Truth:

I fight for you:

Jesus sings to her children:

Truth Social:

They are big trouble

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