The Importance of Jan 8th 2023


The Meaning behind 88

88 – eighty eight

Hade Ate
Hate, Hate

YT (You Tube) (Tarot Reader/Witch)

HG Opposite meaning – Mercury/Hermes

HG (her Grace)

gie (possess)

two pair of glasses

Ba Ba in chinese mandarin - (BABA black sheep...)

(Two people from my home town of Glass, MB (MAN aka Men)

Two infinity

88 was a major number in the movie back to the future.

88 – Two Fly (Beelzebub or Greek Beelzeboub the devils) Matthew 12:24
                Tubal Cain (Two Ball Cain) Two wolves, Two Ben’s (12th Son of Joseph)
                24 – two 4 (44) or two for death

What is the symbolism of Jan 8-2023?

Yesterday a “sign” was placed above Kevin McCarthy’s new Office. Kevin (K) is now the Speaker of the House.

Notice the thumb over the letter ‘K’.

K is the 11th letter in the English alphabet and the hieroglyph of a ‘hand’

11:11 code is tied to two hands or two towers to block someone
In International Morse code it is used to mean "over"
Evin – means swift/active – Welsh form of John

My middle name is Joanne (aka female version of John)

My mother’s name died on Jan 8, 1983 and her name was Joanne (40 years ago)
My mother’s soul is protected within me along with my own. They will never defile her memory EVER.
My mother was murdered by the Masons in 1983 and they are now planning to kill me.

I am the seventh child born to her and have a red cross on my right knee.


Gematria 40 = I AM, the opposite is N (Snake – Satan)

It is the fight of the Light vs the Darkness

The Shadow War


Note: In the bible the symbolism of the thumb is the symbol of the Child.

Today is 88 years after the birth of Elvis Presley  
Decoded: Elv (Elves) is Press (thumb) Our Sley (Slay) – sacrifice

I owned a Scottish Terrier. My ‘black’ scottish terrier was called ‘Sargent Elvis Pepper’  

Decoded: The black dog is released to drill and pepper spray with ‘hate’ the “divine child”


But of that day and hour knows no man,

not the angels of heaven, nor the Son,

but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36)

What this means is I AM is NO MAN,  I AM is a ‘Woman’
They planned to murder me as they did my mother…I was to never ever know…

Matt Hew (to chop/cut) – family of Cain

Gematria: 24 = Baal
Gematria 36 = Black, Adam

I was awoken divinely and SOON they will be divinely punished.

Why Donald Trump's clue in Home alone is so important. It was 'pointing' to the LEFT HAND's that would try to deceive the world to take over the house. 

The Real Donald Trump was my divine visitor to help me see. 
When you decode the name of the main actor in HOME ALONE

Kevin McCallister (K. M)

Ke(y) VIN (Otto/Auto)

Mc (Mike)


Alli (My cousin who sold out to replace 'me - she died on June 14, 2021)

Lis (Lizard) Tare

Kevin was 8 years old (8 - HATE)

The New Testament is a complete LIE and I am the ONLY ONE to decode their lies. 


Saul/Paul/Barak Obama/John Titor/Nikola Tesla/Jason James Bickford, 

and now in the FLESH – Kevin McCarthy

Reincarnation was purposely omitted from the bible so NO ONE would know. When you ‘sell’ your soul you allow demonic spirits to rule over you. 

The ‘house’ is now filled with 


Jesus is back to clean HOUSE of these demons and bring the truth…


They won’t be able to time travel now, their permanent ‘ vessels’ have been selected for the final end.



Updated Feb 4-2023 

This is an attack against ME.

 ITS AN EMP WEAPON - prove me wrong!!!!

‘We’re gonna take care of” Gematria = KEVIN MCCARTHY 


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