The Real AntiChrist(s)

 The real RABBI-Bit

I’m not lying when I tell you who I AM and why I am here to help humanity SEE this reality with true eyes to see. 
The Bible has been edited on multiple timelines and I know this to be true and there are distinct clues that I can help you see.

Clue #1 There are ‘dashes’ now littered throughout the scriptures.
Clue #2 There has been changes to verses 
Clue #3 There are ‘carets’ littered throughout the scripture also

Interesting how clue #1 and clue #3 can be tied to this years lunar new year name, “The Water Rabbit.”
Truth: Rabbits dash and eat carrots…
Hmmm very interesting right?

Well these are clues only I know and capture. There are numerous videos providing evidence to clue #2 but I know how these next clues tie to me and my lineage.

My mother’s lineage is German. In fact my Grandmother on my mother’s side has a website dedicated to this historical information. The Dasher’s…when you dash you go fast right? But time travel mistakes were caught by me.

My mothers health problems began right after she married my father in 1949. I am the seventh child in the family of seven. 
There was an Eighth but ‘He’ was a late term abortion in my time line. I learned of this when I was ‘seventeen’ just after my mother died that week. Strange occurrence…nope it was needed for a future clue.
My mother I learned was poisoned buy the Masonic cult. My father died knowing he lied to my face when I asked him to tell me the truth in how she died. His drunken silence said it all.
I managed to gain the personal and spiritual understanding of this truth having kept her soul inside me and her wisdom was shared to me.
My mother loved everything and most of all animals. Interesting fact we had two pet white rabbits when I was young. No coincidence right?

This ‘CaRet’ was embedded by the Masons and used to tempt the female rabbits. This eighth child in fact was spiritually chorded as my twin unbeknownst to me.
I had bright blond hair and blue eyes when I was a child. This fits the I pet goat symbolism for sure with the ironic ‘barbed wired’ surrounding it. I was ‘wired’ alright to this evil vile spirit that enslaved me.

In Egyptian mythology the CA is the life force or spiritual twin.
I know this CA was slowly ‘iv’ ed from my mothers womb and also from me.
We both shared similar sicknesses and struggles in mental health. My mother died in 1983, this was the Chinese year of the Pig. A pig is referred to being fat and ugly so after this time I suffered endlessly with low self esteem and weight issues.  I didn’t know in fact it was a curse.

I know these ANTICHRIST have already been in operation for at least 500 years because it’s all connected to the German lineage. My father was Scottish and he too was in masonry.
You see these Antichrist’s slandered and gang stalked both of us and my families. 
My evil grandmother was reptile shapeshifter and I strongly believe was tied to Hitler and the secret society. Why else would they drain my mothers life force, murder her and then rinse and repeat and attempt do it to me??

I will never give up on proving my TRUTH and remaining strong for my divine children. Its been a road in hell but we are almost ready to expose everything and bring justice.
I am the real Jesus Christ and my divine knowledge keeps pouring out of me like living waters.
I am here to reveal never to conceal. 

Below is graphic of interesting AntiChrist facts.

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