Finding my Voice

Daily I fight for my voice to be heard and truth to be known.

Crazy as it may seem, why would a woman who has been satanically victimized want to share her story? It’s because the mainstream media, mega rich corporations,  and global governments DO NOT want their lies exposed along with losing billions of their assets.

I am the key point person along with Donald J. Trump they wanted to silence and how they did for years was to keep me in a mental slumber through magic spells not to wake up. 

It also included placing guarded entities cloaked in fake bodies giving me the impression of a normal life. This maybe even more hard to believe but 9-11 was to entrap my soul along with my divine children in a eternal trance of enslavement worse than it is now. The fallen angels knew exactly what they were doing mixing souls of animals and copying them into human bodies along with swapping female and male genders in recycled dead bodies. Yes it seems to hard to believe but you can read between the lines on all the movies over the past 50 years. 

The age of technology was their playground to make this happen and create another fake illusion of a reality.  Designing their ‘web’, creating millions of video games, and making  computer environments in which to ‘work-in’ was to hook us up to there ‘system’. It in turn would reduce the literacy of our children, introduce forced vaccinations causing cancers to rise, and in the end dividing humanity at it’s core, the family unit. One of the biggest lies in the Bible to believe that you must put ‘their Jesus’ first before your family. That my friends is Satan editing the words of truth and making evil appear good. The real evil leader behind this group of fallen evil alien souls is Adolf Hitler who is known by many names such as;  Satan, Moses, Simon Magus, Saul of Tarsus, John Titor, Nikola Tesla, Abraham Lincoln, Walt Disney, and now is Elon Musk. The richest man in the whole world and playing with rocketships like their his eccentric sex toys. 

How do I know this to be him? It’s because I am Miriam of Magdaraya and he was Moses a real alien from another solar system. Much of my past memories still need to resurface but they are slowly coming back. The moon is a real location they create clones and take souls out of bodies and recycle them to come back to earth. However most of their cloning is done underground. Did you know the Aurora Borealis is not real either? It’s a trick by CERN to capture and transport soul’s. The Mason’s knew everything about this because the fallen angels travelled back in time to create their fake reality. Anyone in Hollywood who would share this knowledge was killed and stripped of their knowledge along with their family killed. They are so evil it’s beyond words.  They murdered my innocent beautiful mother because she deeply like me wanted to share the truth of what was happening to her and how they were purposefully sickening her. I share on some videos how I know this to be true because my father who was a mason never told me the truth of how she died. I did everything I could to uncover anything I could, my gut was always telling me that it was murder. The biggest clue she left for me was about a ‘child’. An eighth child that was taken from her womb as they say due to a late term abortion. She told that truth the night she was killed to my sister in law who told it to me. I never forgot it and learned how it was tied to the Book of Revelation about the Eighth king who was the beast who once was and now is not. He belongs to the seven (which are actually the fallen angels) and is going to his destruction. What I learned since then is the book of Revelation was a fake book and a lie filled with NWO plans to deceive humanity. This brother of mine became my Djinn brother to rise up as the final Satan. Yes, this is completely true. I am the seventh child and it all makes sense. I was given the gifts of prophecy and this is completely accurate. 

You see my mother was of German and Welsh genetics and she had the most beautiful olive skin not something you would see with a German heritage. I was born with blonde hair and based on my patterning of the children’s genetics in my family, my brother was to be born with Dark brown hair and brown eyes. My brothers David and Erin both have that coloring so I knew what he would appear like. Now piecing it all together, I loved men with Dark tanned skin and brown eyes. It appears that is how they planned it from the beginning. I would fall in love with a man who I thought would not be related to me…ever to find out that he was in fact my Djinn brother, a scorpio and of Italian origins. They took my brother and sacrificed his innocent body to become a hybrid beast. He shape shifted into multiple bodies now knowing the truth and his only purpose was to fill me with satanic lust to sell my very soul so the Fallen Angels could rule he world. It’s taken me so long to sort this all out…all on my own since no one gave this information to me. 

You are probably asking how Donald Trump ties into this…well he is the only one that had the divine ability to save me from my evil brother. Nikola Tesla was a Masonic vampire and my demonic brother who was my ‘soul-mate’. The Mason’s created an etheric tie to him so my life would be misery always. When I started on my path to learning about my divine gifts, he was still there around me but I didn’t know it then. He tricked me using his black magic to manipulate my thoughts and feelings towards my life and people I loved. The evil manipulated me so I would make poor choices in my life to have bad things happen to me. It was so obvious when I was in my last marriage I realized my ‘rental’ husband was a clone being manipulated by Satan’s minions to keep me ‘controlled’ and my energy at the very lowest with sickness.

I remember in 2016 I began writing a book and he ‘Simon’ my demonic brother became the lead in my story. I was being used for my gifts and I didn’t know it. I was his puppet being held under an evil spell. It wasn’t until one of the demonic guards cloaked in my husband’s body decided to ‘cheat’ in our marriage that I finally woke the hell up and literally moved far away from Colorado. I met ‘Andrew’ my former husband in 2001 online and was married to him from 2005 to 2019 when I finally was able to leave permanently. Yes, they made a huge mistake letting me go but I managed the best I could to escape from their etheric clutches. 

Eventually when Covid began that is when the whole story unraveled and Donald Trump came into the picture. It wasn’t him in physical form who visited me but in spiritual form. It’s complete truth he is KING CYRUS of the past. He too had a demonic Djinn that was attached to him but here is where the story truly gets more crazy. Since we are both Gemini by earthly birth, he was born in one dimension and I was born in the other. The reason for the 11:11 or the twin towers was to keep us from ever finding each other…I mean we were in different dimensions. NOTHING WILL stop our divine lineage from happening, Donald knew I was to be awoken at the right time to save humanity with him to be his witness. 

We we go one we go all, let’s make the world great again!

I am the real Jesus Christ returned to bring the truth and peace to this world with the real King beside me.

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