Quantum Decoding Example


Proof, I can see what no one else can!

October 13, 2022

11:01 AM


* * * * *





- October 12, 2022 -

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the

United States of America


This "Ms. Bergdorf Goodman" case is a complete con job, and our legal system in this

State (just look at Peekaboo James). is

disgrace . You have to fight for years , an

fight for years, and spend a fortune, in order to get your r

order to get your reputation

back from liars, cheaters, and hacks. This decision is from the Judge who was just

overturned on my same case. I don't know this woman, have no idea who she is , othe

than it seems she got a picture of me many years ago, with her husband, shaking my


hand on a reception line at a celebrity charity event. She completely

made up a story that

I met her at the doors of this crowded New York City Department Stor

partment Store and, within

minutes, "swooned" her. It is a Hoax and a lie, just like all the other Hoaxes that have been

played on me for the past seven years. And, while I am not supposed to say it, I will. This

woman is not my type! She has no idea what day, what week, what month, what year, or

what decade this so-called "event" supposedly took place

hannaway supposedly took place. The reason she doesn't know


is because it never happened, and she doesn't want to get caught up with details or facts

that can be proven wrong. If you watch Anderson Cooper's interview with her, where she

was promoting a really crummy book, you will see that it is a complete

is a complete Scam. She

changed her story from beginning to end, after the com

after the commercial break, to suit the

purposes of CNN and Andy Cooper. Our Justice System is broken along with almost

everything else in our Country. Her lawyer is a political operative and Cuomo crony who


people that the way to beat Trump is to sue him all over the place. Sh

is suing me on numerous frivolous cases, just like this one, and the court system does

thing to stop it. In the meantime, and for the record, E. Jean Carroll is not telling the

truth, is a woman who I had nothing to do with, didn't know, and would have no interest i

ever had the chance. Now all I have to do is go through years more of

legal nonsense in order to clear my name of her and her lawyer's phony attacks on me.

This can only happen to " Trump"!

1.    Quantum DECODE - copied from clipping on Truth Social


See letters in 'red' highlight, when I copied the text, they truncated, and I saw their 'code'

AnRothestorpartmenthannawaysh. “An Roth Ess (SS) St(Saint) store 'part' ment H anna a way shhh”

She after the calm/com. "She after the com"  - They are also after the intel communication we are sharing



Ms. Bergdorf Goodman

Namdoogfrodgrebsm. “N AM Doog (dug) fro dog greb be BS Sim”


(greb - contemptible person)

Sim - Simulation

N - Snake

AM - Doug/from Up, a stupid dog - day sun

Fro - movement (to and fro)

2.    Clues from the notable words



SW wound DD, Den N knows owes

(Austin) wound Double Diamond/Busty woman, Denver Snake knows it’s debt


Eve vent net TT ten ve

Eve vent net pi ten neve

Eve talk, netted pi, ten snow (snow=cocaine)lots of money


Ho – Ax, Ho a Ex, a (evil) hug and kiss…ah


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