Things are NOT what they appear

Things I really do know.

I decided to unlock some of the decoding embedded in the monthly calendar to help me understand a little better what has been happening in each one over these past several years since I know now who exactly I am and can understand the signs that no else can aside from the 33 degree masons. Even they don’t have the knowledge I have since it’s all about my story and their lies against me.

The decoding breaks down in smaller bits of words whether it be a letter and how it phonetically sounds or a word that may mean something from another language. All to outline for me a story of what currently has been happening behind the veil.

They never wanted me to wake up and see their lies and how they continue to lie and fool humanity but like I have said, I was woke by a divine visitor who I will be eternally grateful to.

The decoding I am reading is the word in ‘italics’ spelled out after the English month.


Yr - Year or Your

Raun - Roe, Spawn (Female Fish)

Una - A, An, or one, (Irish-Lamb)


[General Notes: This was the month in which my mother’s death occurred in 1983]


Yr - Year or Your

Ra - RA- Rheumatoid Arthritis (Dis-ease) or RA - Ancient Sun God, or Greek- Helios, RA - Random Abuser

UR - City where Moses was born

BeF - BF - Best Friend, Beef (Cattle)

[General notes: This was the month my Father died and believe he reincarnated into my ‘husband’ Andrew who was my best friend or so I thought for 20+ years. The beef cattle represents JB Swift whom I worked for as a consultant for 2 years from 2006 - 2008]

March. Hcram

H - 8th Letter or Fence (To block)

C- See, or Sea

HC - Hilary Clinton, or Holy Communion, or Holy Cow

R - Our

AM - Daily clock

[General Notes: The month my husband was born 3.20]


L - pronounced ‘EL’

Ir - Ire

Lir - Lier

R - Our

Pa - Father, (Paw) Animal

[General Notes: The month and day of my mother’s birthday 4.10 of which this corruption centered around. My mother was murdered by the masons, that is a fact now. My djinn relatives making me out to be ‘Satan’ of course I am not by any means! They all sold out for money and an afterlife of which now will be exchanged for eternal prison which is what they placed me under when I went into the future]


Y - Why

AM - Day?

Yam - Sweet Potato (Can be red and white type of potato)

May - girls name or can read Ma, why?

May. the month my daughter was born

[General Notes: Now seeing all their perverted lies and schemes, I see they were trying to make my daughter detest me by implanting a Serpent seed into her genes. Her initials are DEW and her name means Morning Star. Not that I knew back in 1993 what I did, I loved her name and Eviana is French for John. What they were going to do in their evil vile wickedness was to use a clone to destroy me, yes that was how they were going to do population control. DEW means direct energy weapons. I worked at a company for a very short time that was building them…profound truths hidden now that I see them.]


En - N (Snake)

Nu - New, or knew

nuj - nudge -or (south Asian) - debt

u - you

J - Jay

[General Notes: The month in which I was born, 1965 was the year of the snake however I am not one obviously.]


Why Lu, Why? - Lu - in Latin is famous warrior (Lucifer/Light) who is the cause of cancer

[General Notes: I remember when this false rapture happened in my ‘mind’ I was begging and asking forgiveness for my sins of which were not horrible because I kept track of them and Lucifer (The false Christ) sent me to hell which is their ‘realm’ of which was a purgatory or Bardo as he calls it]


Ts - Tease

U - You

Gu - Jew

Sug - Sugar/Sweet

A - Eh

[General Notes: Teasing and constant joking pummeled my self esteem to rock bottom from him, one minute saying something nice and then next being completely an ogre] My moon sign in my astrology chart is in Leo.


R- Our

Eb - flow

Reb - Rebellion

BM - Black Man, (Barack and Michelle)

Pens - Pez (Dispenser, or P  mock tongue -easy, or candy)

[General Notes: The month my father and eldest brother were born both of which have died. My brother I believe too was taken by Lucifer to get to me in 2012. This year was to be the end of the Mayan calendar. September 11th also happened which 11:11 means two gates to block me from waking up. Giving Satan continued power forever on earth]


Re - Ray

Bot - purchased or robot 

OT - overtime

Co - Colorado or company

Tco - (tico) means insult or a little bit

[General Notes: multiple family members born in this month also, 10-4 is mirror my mother’s birthday 4-10 which was their symbolism]


Re - Ray

B - be


Evon - My Auntie’s name ( Uncle Raymond and Auntie Evon who were Masons)

[General Notes; This surprised me when I saw this but it appears to be see picture for proof. Also I used my cousin’s (cause-sin) soul Nicole who died young of Cystic Fibrosis to guide me over the last year to be able to decode all of their lies. Pretty profound but that is why I know I am divine]


Re - Ray

B - be

Mece - What

Ced  - said or seed. (They tried to erase me forever…to give me the ‘boot’]

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