Post Orthodox Easter - A Lesson

What Are the Signs?

A Lesson on Matthew 16:1-4

Some background...
What I wanted to teach today, was how I really knew the Gospels were false and how this ties into the Matthew 16:1-4 verses. 

The "goss-spells" were word spells designed by vampiric magicians to create a story of fiction in order to trick humanity and steal their wealth.
The word goss with double SS ties to the Adolph Hitler's dimensional timeline. 
This term goss can mean: stories, hearsay, tidbits, rumors, etc. I know he created many many evil stories. You are probably wondering why he would create a story about a Jewish Savior when he started the second world war and hated Jews? 
The same reason the House of Rothchild exists. It was for greed, money, and the elite world power.
He wanted a way to make himself eternal so why not go back in time and steal the life power from a real divine human-god to make that happen? Well he did. 
He then created stories, religions, and  false history for all the world to believe.
It all seems so unbelievable but it is true. These Fallen Angels were from this House of Rothchild (Wrath child more accurately) and these ancient bloodlines were hidden throughout history. 

How did I uncover the real truth? Why was I "asleep" and living out my life unbeknownst to me at the time in another parallel dimension?
You see, I was the main connection to all of their lies. Only another god could see what no human can. Thus the words of Jesus "those who have eyes to see and ears to hear" come to have more meaning when you understand this. 
I had undiscovered divine gifts when I was born. My birth date and time wasn't known except by me and my divine twin Gemini partner.  When I had my 'shaking-awakening' this was when my whole paradigm crashed into itself. I grew up going to a country church following the teachings of Paul and the Golden Rule, and forgiving our enemies. I lived a life the best I could and found out through this experience that they accused me to be "Satan."
Think for a moment as any normal human would, this would be utter lunacy but when you are actually attacked and you wake up as this being your REALLY changes you. I speak in many videos about this trauma and the mental abuse I endured. The fragmentation of my mind was so horrific, I didn't know if I would die forever in their wicked hell. By the strength of divine power, faith and might, I didn't die that day when they said they would kill me. They thought I would commit suicide instead from all the mental torture they bombarded me with. When I awoke on my couch that next day, I used all my human abilities to find and uncover ever answer I could. With severe traumatic pain and all, I began my mission to unravel my truth and my story. 
I knew I wasn't Satan, I had never abused or killed anyone, in fact I confessed every logical sin I could think of and still they put me in what appeared to be a faraday cage within my mind. Only wicked evil people would do such a thing to an innocent person.

Looking back, now, I had to prove myself and my innocence. As I followed my path, I discovered and uncovered the truth of who I really was. A REAL JESUS CHRIST on EARTH.  I never ever wanted to believe it, I didn't think it was possible. Jesus was a man and I was no man. However the more I dug through my gifts I began to see miracles appear that couldn't be explained away. 
I always knew myself as good parent to my daughter and mentor to my foster daughter, I never could have imagined that a God who I loved and worshiped all my life would have hurt me and harmed me so much. As a mother, I couldn't have conceived to cause this type of torture on any human on earth nor could I have thought it would happen to me.

This now ties into what I want to discuss about the verses from Matthew 16:1-4
As a good parent, if I wanted my child to follow my path, I would show them how to do it. I would lead by instruction and guiding them proving answers to their questions. My daughter and I were together alone for many years as I was a single mother raising her in Canada. We were very close and could talk about anything. She was very smart and I helped her in every way I could. When I read this verse, I noticed a very strong negative tone in the words Jesus spoke and I am not sure why the author wrote it that way. 

I know the Pharisees and Sadducees were testing Jesus and asking him for a sign from heaven. Then he replies with the answer describing everyday seasonal changes. It is in verse 4 that has me alarmed that Jesus wasn't a good person when he states this to them.

"A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah", then Jesus left them and went away.

First, why wouldn't Jesus explain himself in this verse? Second, what if the book of Jonah wasn't discovered and included in the bible. How would the readers know who Jonah was? 

In the context of a parent that has children as we describe Jesus to be our Heavenly Father, shouldn't he have explained himself further? Yes, I believe if I would have wrote this as an observer of his teachings, I would have captured how he explained what he means by wicked and adulterous and helped the audience to see the error of their ways. Instead he just blurts it out then walks away, never for the reader to understand the real context of this instruction. Jesus also states, he came only to the lost sheep of Israel in Chapter 15: 24. Does this mean that all other people are doomed? What was Jesus really saying?
Here are my insights and decodes applied to this verse. 
Side by side with the Greek in English since I don't speak Greek or Aramic.

genea - A generation 
ponera - evil - I am not sure what he defines as evil exactly but in my decode it would be
Ponera as pon (pawn) era - which is the Trade and Commerce. The evils of trading for profit and power.  In Chapter 15:19 he describes evil that comes from the heart but doesn't list out incest, rape, transgenderism or bestiality to make it a more complete list perhaps. He must have seen the future. It's also interesting that Ponera sounds alot like Panera Bread which bread can represent money. 
kai - and
moichalis - adulterous
In our time we understand "adulterous" to be cheating while married, but adulterous can also mean untrustworthy, false, deceitful, untrue. This word wasn't found in the time of Christ so what does this mean now. 
Using my decode: moichalis - Moi - Chalis, this is me-cup this isn't specific to anyone but a specific person who is ME. Adulterous means those who drink of the wicked cup. So if I apply it correctly, this means those  "Ad Duel Ter Eros" . There are two specific lustful eros twins that captured the cup and drank of it. Thus it means the pi in the sky with the gem in the eye or the stye in the eye. The generation that started the child trafficing is what started the drinking of the cup of child sacrifice which is the worst adulterous generation. 
semeion - a sign
A sign in Greek using my decode - See Me Ion - Simeon or Simon Peter, the rock of the Roman Catholic Church is the Sign, a very very big one actually.
epizetei - seeks
kai - and
semeion - a sign
ou - not
dothesetai - will be given
My decode - Do the Set Thai? - A set is two, Set is a Egyptian god, tai means to tie together. The Gemini are two as so are there two fish that are twins. No one ever speaks of the twins as Pisces too but also correct. 
aute - to it
ei - if
me - not
to = the
semeion - sign
iona - of jonah
To decode this you have to reverse it to get the correct answer - Anoi - Ano (Year) Know No Eye (Blind). These are those who knew but didn't know. My name is Barbara Joanne, I was the sign of Jonah when I came to 'see' with both eyes the code of the matrix they created. They were finding me 'a god' in order to create their new world of artificial intelligence and remove life (me) as we know it. They wanted a world of no life and steal the precious cup of life. 
kai - and
katalipon - having left
autous - them
apelthen - he went away

So when you apply my decoding to this one verse you see a whole different insight into the evil world beneath that no one else can see but me. A world to deceive and harm innocence of children and to hurt people continuing this plundering of wealth and profit and child trafficking's world wide. 
This is exactly my mission. To stop this and change my world for all my children. To be a true family and bring justice to this world filled with so much injustices. 

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