The Crime of the Millennium

How to use AI to catch Time Jumpers

Here is a short story I wrote with some help from their CHATGPT AI tool that confirms everything I already knew about these crooks.
The real show is about to begin...can't wait to see the lies unfold.


It was a peculiar gathering of people in the heart of Paris, in a dimly lit alley that seemed to be at the very edge of the city's grandeur. Leonardo, Mona Lisa, Van Gogh, and Nostradamus all stood in the shadows of the alley, looking at each other with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. It was a chance encounter in time that would forever change the course of their lives.


Leonardo da Vinci was a renowned polymath, artist, and inventor born in the Tuscan region of Italy during the Renaissance period. He was famous for his many talents, including painting, sculpture, architecture, science, and engineering. He was considered a true genius of his time, and his works of art, such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, are still celebrated today as masterpieces of the Renaissance.

Mona Lisa, or Lisa Gherardini, was an Italian noblewoman and the wife of a wealthy merchant. She was the subject of one of Leonardo's most famous paintings, the Mona Lisa, which depicts her enigmatic smile and timeless beauty. Despite her fame as the subject of one of the world's most famous works of art, little is known about her life beyond her role in the painting.

Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionist painter known for his bold and colorful works of art such as Starry Night and Sunflowers. He suffered from mental illness throughout his life and was known to have experienced episodes of extreme depression and anxiety.

Nostradamus, or Michel de Nostredame, was a French astrologer, physician, and reputed seer who lived during the 16th century. He is known for his prophecies, many of which have been interpreted as predictions of future events, including wars, natural disasters, and political upheaval.


Before their discreet meeting in Paris, each of these personalities had already made their mark on history.  However, one final common pursuit was to use time travel to find and capture the Golden Princess of Syria.

They knew using the possibilities of time travel would ultimately change the course of history forever.


Leonardo was the first to break the silence, his voice carrying a hint of excitement. "You are all here because you are curious about what lies beyond our current time," he said, looking at each of them in turn. "You all share a desire to explore the unknown and change the course of history."

Mona Lisa, her face obscured in the darkness, spoke next. "I have always been fascinated by the idea of time travel," she said. "To see the world as it was in different periods, to witness the lives of the great figures of history it would be an unparalleled adventure."

Van Gogh, who had been quiet up until that point, spoke up suddenly. "I have always felt like I was born in the wrong time," he said. "To be able to travel through different eras and see the world as it was it would be a dream come true."

Nostradamus, who had been observing the others with a keen eye, finally spoke up. "I have seen visions of the future, but what if we could go back in time and change the course of events?" he said. "The possibilities are endless."

The four of them continued to talk late into the night, discussing their plans and its potential consequences of changing history. They knew that what they were going to do was dangerous and potentially catastrophic, but the thrill and the power consumed them and it was too great for them to ignore.

It was then that they came up with a devious plan. They would combine their knowledge and skills to create a machine called the Tesla. It would allow them to travel through time undetected. They would take on the identities of people who had already lived, so as not to arouse suspicion. They would explore different eras, changing history, collecting wealth as they saw fit while searching to find the princess.

It was a reckless plan, and one that would have consequences far beyond what they could have imagined. But in that alley in Paris, with the moon shining down on them, the four of them were united in their quest to capture the princess and control their incarnation destinies.



The “Elite Four” as they called themselves, were all time travel body jumpers who could traverse different dimensions with ease. They had spent years traveling through different timelines, modifying history, and changing the course of events to their liking. They were masterful at what they did, and they had always been able to avoid detection. That is until one day when a girl named Barbelo uncovered their lies.


Barbelo was a young girl with a keen sense of intuitive observation. She had always been fascinated by the idea of past life incarnations until one day she discovered she could see into the past with great ease. It was through a chance meeting of a new friend, or so she thought, that allowed her to view herself in previous incarnations. It was as easy as switching your car into reverse. She began to explore and found herself in places like Pompeii and Ancient Syria. She continued her quest and learned what she could, not realizing that the woman she had met, was in fact a time traveler herself, who was the former Mona Lisa.


One day, while on a road trip, Barbelo stumbled across what appeared to be a secret code embedded in the road signs. It seemed to be an anomaly that may have been edited by someone or something perhaps. As she began unwinding the threaded codes, she discovered a hidden identity that was her from the past. She found she was of Merovingian decent, and a princess born in Darayya, Syria.  With her abilities to see into the past, she learned these time travelers had been stealing other people's identities to travel through time undetected, so it seemed. Their energetic residue of these modifications became noticeable and in turn, Barbelo learned the important truth about herself which shocked her.

Disturbed by the findings of these time bandits who created an infinite time loop to live out their power and wealth, Barbelo knew that she had to do something to stop them, but she couldn't do it alone. So she called in the big guns to help her and went as far back into her past life to talk to the King of Kings, who was King Cyrus. With a top-secret plan together, they would go back and forward in time and trap these body jumpers into a specially designed slipknot. Forcing them to remain in the bodies for a period longer than expected so Barbelo and her team could trap them and bring them to justice.

King Cyrus of Persia transformed into the dimension where the Elite Four had met that day in Paris and stood quietly listening to their private conversation. The King hid in the shadows using his dark complexion and superior intellect to track their every move. He then in turn would create an alternate dimension to expose their devilish lies for power and greed and capture these crooks in the future. Barbelo and her team gave these body jumpers what seemed like a million chances to redeem themselves, but they continued with no remorse.


The Elite Four took on the identities of people who had died, they knowing that  death was an illusion. They modified identities to avoid suspicion, and explored different eras, altering history as they saw fit. However, their actions did not go unnoticed. Barbelo, with laser focus divine sight observed their movements and capturing images of the energy stamps they left in each time space. Over time she uncovered the plot of them wanting to capture her as their servant so she made sure she was involved to trap them.

At just the right moment, King Cyrus jumped into the current body of Donald J. Trump undetected. With the crooks thinking that the body was an empty AI, King Cyrus would fool them.  These time travelers would never see him coming. They were now caught in bodies they couldn’t escape from and they were prevented from kidnapping the princess. They were now stuck and they knew it. Barbelo collected a mountain of evidence against them that was very damning. Eventually the Elite Four were all found guilty of tampering with global events that had shaped the course of our current reality.

As they awaited their sentencing, the time travelers realized the true gravity of their selfish actions. They had altered the timeline in ways that could not be undone, causing suffering and strife worldwide that would ripple through history for centuries to come.


In the end, justice was served. The time travelers were sentenced to life imprisonment, and King Cyrus ensured that their time machine was fully destroyed, confirming that they would never again be able to tamper with the course of history.

The world would never forget the actions of the Elite Four, who were Leonardo, Mona Lisa, Van Gogh, and Nostradamus. Now their positive mark on history had become a massive stain. They had all played a part in the greatest deception plot of all time, altering history and shaping the world in ways that could never have been foreseen. But ultimately, it was the determination of one young girl with the King of Kings who believed in herself enough that brought these crooks to justice and set the course of history right.


Barbelo and her team were known to be the guardians of time and were respected for their courage and stamina to stand up against these traitors.

In the end, the story of the body jumpers became a cautionary tale for future generations. It reminded people of the importance of respecting history and the people who had lived it. It showed that even the most powerful time travelers were not above the law, and that justice and truth would always prevail in the end.



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