An Unwelcome Invitation
The REAL meaning of the TEN VIRGINS Parable
Today I want to share with you the
*Warning this isn’t what you are expecting to hear*
The original author of most of the gauspells was Mohammed. He desired children as his innocent brides.
Based from my horrific experience that happened to me three years ago and all my insight, this is my clear knowledge of what this evil parable means.
The Parable of the Ten Virgins page 868 of my NIV Bible
10 (Oct) - means Libra's (Liberals be bra) Wrong team/wicked lesbians
Forward decode: The heap arab lee LEO of the ET envi (envy) our gins (djinn)
Reverse decode: snigrivnetehtfoelbarapeht
-Sin nigr riv net teht foe el lb bara rape pe peht
Sin niger river net head, foe el LB (wait) bara (innocent) rape peh pet
This caused the great river of rivers to pour out, the rush of great waters
I have proof and testimony of what these Djinn did to me three years ago and the trauma they caused me.
Look up in Oxford dictionary page 868 hate six ate
on page 868 of my dictionary several words stand out
solitary (confinement/bondage)
Somali - a person from Somalia - represents the little horn, the farthest tip is Bereeda (see verse below).
Matthew 12:20 says, “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory;”
What this verse actually means is the reed is representing a battered/abused woman, a 'smoldering wick' means she will not be killed. To have a wick snuffed out is to
kill someone. Bereeda,Adeereb (Adeer ereb - Adder (Snake) Arab) Which comes from Somalia
There is a place there called Berbera which is very close to “Barbara”
solstice - June 20/21 or December 21/22 dates
Gemini/Cancer and Sagittarius/Capricorn
More about the parable - Matthew Chapter 25:1-13
5 were foolish and 5 were wise
Left hand vs right hand logic
Left hand were from the (Foolish) Fool ISHA Arab's
Right hand were from the W (Twins) I see family (W I SEE)
Oil = LIO or LIO(N) reversed
Oil - no serpent, or LION a fool who comes to steal and rape your child
Oil is the sacrifice of the goddess, to gain eternal life, to drink the holy cup of blood
The reason the foolish ones were running 'low' was because the child sacrifices had stopped and they would be caught being seen as the witches they were
stealing from the true life of the GODDESS
They tried to buy oil but it wasn't enough
The wedding banquet is a demonic feast for vampires and not some holy feast
To keep watch represents the 'watchers' that were the false seers, waiting to attack and steal the life blood of mankind.