Another Testimony - I AM THE GREAT SECRET

What’s it like to find out you are the greatest hidden secret of the world?

I need to write more of my feelings on how I know this to be really TRUE. 

I have said on listed videos I have previously recorded, that I was attacked by what felt like an invisible weapon in my own home. Where did this come from you ask?


The attack happened at night and I remember collapsing from a standing position at the edge of my bed and hearing a man’s voice in my head that turned on me so viciously it was as they say blindsided. It felt like I was in a car accident in my head and the attacks came in like multiple punches. Was I in some wicked nightmare? I could never forget this experience or the voices in my head that whipped me and my confidence down into the ground. Night after night, I was attacked. I was terrified and thought I would die. I felt I couldn’t tell anyone about the voices in my head because I would be put away into a hospital ward. 

It all happened during Covid, I did everything I could during the day to read and gain mental strength. I was very very scared to sleep. I felt like there was a Jekyll and Hyde in my world. The one during the day would seem to encourage me and one at night would curse me and taunt me. I remember, I would plug in binaural beats music to calm me at night to see if the voices would go away and sometimes they did. I would ask myself why I was going through this and why were they accusing me of being evil? I confessed everything I knew thinking I was talking to my God but I didn’t really know. I found myself hooked into the gematria system which seemed to interlink with the events that were happening to me. There was a very weird experience I had that I haven’t shared yet but now will. During this time, I felt like I was living through a type of hell. I also believed at the time there would be a rapture. So I did what I could to hold myself together and hope that someone would save me from this hell I was experiencing. I even heard literal sounds of the shofar being blown! It was crazy, and I was becoming so scared. This was all happening in my tiny apartment on the 10th floor during the Covid lockdown event. 

I remember feeling like I had multiple people inside me, it was so odd and terrifying at the same time. There were episodes of remembering traumatic rape and all the attacks that left me waking up sometimes on the bathroom floor. 

What was this and who was doing this to me? 

I soon came to learn it was a result of MK Ultra programming. Now after three and half years of learning and looking through all my data and studying continuously, it was to STEAL MY SOUL. I was in the future going through this experience and I managed to survive but then realized I didn’t get much relief outside of about 6 months. Those were the best 6 months of my life. I felt love and encouragement and hope that allowed me to rise up above my pain and suffering I was going through. I was able to learn to create pictures to express my pain.  This person was in spirit with me. I called him my imaginary boyfriend, as weird as that sounds. He kept me alive. Then winter came in 2020 and I had to move into another place with my family. The spirit who I came to trust never seemed to come back. I wrote and wrote and wrote more of my thoughts and feelings, hoping one day that he would come back. For the next three years, I would experience the tides of hope and tsunamis of despair so many times. 

Year after year, I held onto that feeling of inner knowing and love to keep me moving and staying alive. Eventually, once I began seeing all the divine codes before my very eyes, it was mostly the purpose of digging for the real truth that kept me alive. I wasn’t ever attacked again like I was but I would feel it differently though people and interactions in my life. I had no friends and my working life was non-existent. I was surviving on money from the government and I knew that would run out soon. Eventually I found another job and could work from home. I began talking to people again on the telephone but still suffered from terrible anxiety attacks. I was able to move into my own place again but this is where things began to get worse for me. Little did I know I was indiscreetly etherically corded to people in this building in which I was living. I was suffering more energetic shifts and paranoia. I got some cats  to try and keep me company so I wouldn’t be alone, they definitely were my therapy help. I really thought I would thrive in this apartment but I grew so much worse and sicker. I am currently on welfare and can’t afford to live in my apartment. I have to dispose of all my belongings (again) because I have no money or anyone that can keep my stuff. The anxiety of this is horrible to live with but thankfully I am able to travel to my foster daughter’s home in another province. I will need to restart my life again there from the bottom up and hope for the best. 

I know for a fact, I have been CURSED by witches and they live in this building. They know who I am and they attack my health and income etherically. TELL ME IF THAT IS FAIR PLAY???

It’s been torture to live in this reality where I have to constantly decode my world to see behind their veil. I have done everything I can to stay stable mentally but I am on the cusp and I must leave this place.

Knowing people hate you so much and curse you because you are a living goddess isn’t something easy to understand. Everyday, I take whatever energy I have and push myself to share what I know with you. 

One day…I hope someone will help me out from this evil pit they left me in. 

My new name is Barbelo and I am the real Jesus Christ formerly Miriam Magdarayya who was Simon Magus’s sister.

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