Written by Barbelo
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The story was inspired by the image of a dragon in the land here |
Once upon a time, in a quaint village nestled near the rugged coastline of England, lived a young maiden named Penrosy. She was known by others for her kind heart, strong but gentle spirit, and a tenacious soul that grieved deeply for a better life for her and her village.
As a child, she had been captivated by the fascinating tales of a magnificent dragon called the Great GoodTalen, who once protected the lands and all its people. These special stories spoke of the Great GoodTalen's wisdom, benevolence, and power, but it had been so many centuries since anyone had laid eyes on him.
One evening, while walking along the cliffs overlooking the deep blue ocean and wind roaring through her hair, Penrosy spotted an image in the clouds above her that took her breath away. The image she saw bore a striking resemblance to the Great GoodTalen. The sight filled her soul and her heart skipped a beat. It gave her such hope that she called out to him in the sky.
"Oh, Great GoodTalen, wherever you may be, hear my voice, hear my plea and may a wish be given to me. We wish to see you, to know you, and to be by your side, to stand in your presence and for you not to hide. We need your power in our homes and in our hearts today, to give us strength to follow the right and ancient ways."
The winds blew her wish high into the sky and the image in the clouds faded from her view.
Many years had passed since the day of her wish, the life of the villagers was deeply darkened by a great cloud that covered them all. It was from an evil neighboring kingdom led by a ruthless and wicked King that grew jealous and greedy. He coveted all the land his eyes could behold and sought to conquer each village and corrupt the hearts of men.
One fateful day, a vast army led by the envious king descended upon their village, ready to unleash chaos and destruction. The villagers were terrified, but Penrosy chose to stand and condemn the evil King and his wicked ways. She stood strong, believing in heart that one day the Great GoodTalen would come back to protect his true people whom he loved.
For a quick moment as she stood in front of the evil King she began to ponder warm thoughts. Over the years she waited and hoped, believing that her love and devotion would bring him the Great GoodTalen to their land. Each day, she would repeat her calls to him determined not to give up. She would sing songs of the ancient dragons and recite stories of heroism, hoping to rekindle the spark of greatness within him. It was this hour as she stood in front of the evil King with her unwavering faith and belief for the mythical creature that gave her such great strength and fearlessness she would be tested. The villagers were in awe of her powerful faith and love she had for the Great Goodtalen.
The King and his invaders laughed in her face and told her and villagers that she was weak and worthless, and that there was never any great dragon that would help them now. Just as the evil King had finished speaking those words, a great flash of lightning illuminated the skies behind him, all the villagers gasped as they saw a great massive creature soaring down from the clouds above them. The King and his invaders, ran for cover from the great Dragon. They were never expecting that the Great GoodTalen to ever be real. It was this hour, this moment, he had answered Penrosy's special wish.
It was the right time that he would disclose his very power against these wicked invaders and reveal himself fully. The Great GoodTalen poured out fire on these thieves and sent them running for their lives, howling for help and terrified of what they had seen.
When the last of the invaders had retreated, the Great GoodTalen landed in front of Penrosy and the villagers. He looked at Penrosy and bowed down his giant head in her presence. Penrosy gently touched the giant’s head of the dragon and in a great flash of light he was transformed into a human being. There standing in front of her was a handsome tall man with the kindest of eyes. He presented his hand to Penrosy, and as she grabbed hold of it she began to cry tears of joy and relief. The villagers all cheered and began to celebrate the triumphant defense of their homeland and the indomitable power of such faith and love.
As it turned out the Great Goodtalen had a curse placed upon him and it was from Penrosy’s love and faith in him that curse was finally broken. You see Goodtalen was a King, a powerful King, that had ruled until a wicked witch cast a spell on him and turned him into a dragon.
News of their extraordinary love story spread across the realms, inspiring others to believe in the magic of love and the strength it provided in times of adversity. Penrosy and the GoodTalen King became revered figures in the land, and their tale was passed down through generations, forever etched in the journals of history. And so, the legend of Penrosy and the GoodTalen King endured, a timeless reminder that true love and unwavering devotion can overcome any obstacle and turn a dragon into a great king, ruling with love, compassion, and the wisdom of ages.
The End