How does one prove their divine existence?


Proof of the Divine

How does one prove they have a divine lineage when the world solely relies on an ancient collection of manuscripts that have been strongly edited for millennium and protected by the most powerful construct on Earth…the Vatican??

This is where I will begin to outline my principles, my faith, my divine gifts, my personal experiences, and my physical attributes on my body to help line everything up. I have stated in many videos that I became a ‘born again’ child of God when I was only 4 1/2 years of age. That day in the room of a small country Baptist church, I knew the picture I saw of Jesus wasn’t him. How could this be? How does a child remember who their parent is? Their parent’s imprint is on their heart and in their memory. I carried this memory with me but it didn’t make a major point in my life until later on. 

My childhood memories are vivid and having grown up in a large family in the country, I loved playing outside, enjoying animals, singing, and dancing. I remember being happy when I arrived into this world. I describe in another book I began writing that I had these ‘rocks’ show up in my life when I was young. I remember trying to make these emotions disappear but all I did was push them farther into myself trying my best to ignore them. Little did I know these were the Djinn that were already influencing my early life. What are Djinn you ask? In pre-Islamic lore, the Djinn are malicious spirits born of smokeless fire, and are not immortal. They are also referred to as demons. I have said other videos that I had an earthly Father who was a Mason. What level I don't know but he had a masonic representation at his funeral so if that tells you something. I learned later, there was a long lineage of Mason’s on my father’s side. My mother's side was filled with Mormons however my mother was not one. I lost my mother when I was only 17 years old. She was a beautiful woman who had a heart of gold and lived the best life she could in spite of her chronic illnesses.  When I think of her it deeply warms my heart however the other side of this story was that both my mother and I were empaths and because she  was incredibly sensitive to her environment and surroundings she got very ill in her late teens. She married my father at seventeen, and became a mother of seven children. My mother suffered from numerous health issues early in her life and eventually it lead to terrible addictions in order to cope with chronic pain.  I took care of her as a teenager when she was at her lowest and watched her frail body suffer continuously. It was a difficult time to watch her go through everything and I deeply desired to help her. In 1983, she passed away before she was 51 and it left a gapping hole in my life that I would never ever forget. In fact I actually figured out then that my mother was in fact murdered by the Masons. How did I know? It's because I sought out the truth and even on my father’s death bed, he never told me the truth of how she died. I knew back then something was very very wrong surrounding her death. She didn't overdose on her own, I saw her in the morning on the floor and tried to give her mouth to mouth resuscitation that I had only recently learned months prior.  This act of 'mouth to mouth' was divine action that I didn't understand then but do now most significantly. You see the Egyptian faith knows well about the Ka and the Ba and because I knew early in my childhood I had a connection to the Goddess Isis looking back now, I protected her BA which was her soul within me. Only a divine being can do that but I had clues all throughout my life that allowed me to know this to be a true fact. 

I was the youngest of seven children.  My memories of my childhood were filled with lots of family events with Aunts, Uncles, and lots and lots of cousins. I lived in the municipality of ‘Springfield’…just like on the Simpsons. I attended a high school called Springfield Collegiate, just one of the many many things about me that tie to existing conspiracy theories about the writers knowing the future. The reason I share everything with you is because I know many things about my past, present, and future that has already happened to me. I didn’t have a huge group of friends at school but a few. I loved going to church, bible study and bible camp every year. I attended a bible college for one year where the start of my string of failed relationships began in my life. Little did I know I was carrying a wicked curse against me to never find true love or so I thought. Heartbreak and constant disappointment was in my life path. Two major events played a role in my life, the birth of my daughter and moving to the United States. 

Over the past many years living in the United States in Colorado, I experienced what I thought was a good life but little did I know it was a complete and utter lie. My daughter (12) and I moved to the United States in 2005 and I married a man who I fell in love with. It wasn't a marriage of deep passion but one I labeled as 'stability' which I didn't have in my life and I wanted for my daughter. I had the complete package, a beautiful home, three dogs a good job with the USDA working in Fort Collins and had a small social group. My husband at the time was in a long time stable job and we enjoyed the comforts of home. However there are many holes in my story that now looking back I can fill because of what I have suffered as a result of the MK Ultra deprogramming and the electrofrequency attacks. When I applied to be a citizen of the US, this is where I noticed many many discrepancies that now make sense. I constantly had to be finger printed and had blood work more than average. I also developed a illness that now stems directly from getting additional vaccines in the US. I started to get very ill around the start of 2006 and went to see so many specialists to figure out my issues. After years of numerous visits, pain meds, and lots of bills, I had a combination of Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia.  At the time my husband couldn't believe my pain was real and now know that this man who I thought I could trust was a part of the Satanic masonic rituals that were placed on me. My health went downhill my faith was not strong my support was gone and all I had was my daughter, my dogs and my husband to survive. Christmas 2014 I told my husband I needed to leave the relationship to see if I could heal on my own. This man who I thought I knew, was deeply perverted and addicted to porn. Not only that I suffered from low self confidence along with my pain and weight issues. When I separated from him that spring, I moved into a small rental home with my daughter and I felt like I may get better with her support and love. The timing appeared right however I met a lady who I would learn later was a active 'witch' who portrayed a new age Sage who could read angel tarot cards. We hit it off pretty closely and got to travel on a birthday trip together to Mount Shasta. What I found interesting about this trip was I started gaining spiritual insights that I thought nothing were abnormal but in fact was a clue to me seeing into the demonic realm of the Djinn. I learned now 7 years past, that this evil witch was my manifested 'sister' Allah. Now her real human name was my first cousin Allison. It all gets more weird now as I take you into the 'rabbit hole' that I survived through. 

So I tried to restart my life after leaving my husband and had an opportunity to move to Miami to work for a Cruise line. I had a business that I was enjoying however I couldn't seem to get it off the ground. There were many times I experienced these Djinn in my home and they manipulated my personal space to make themselves known. I thought I shook off these crazy tricksters but it appeared they wanted my soul and began 'sucking' the life from me every single year. They were in fact vampires in the other realm and can shapeshift. It seems farfetched but it isn't. It's all truth. My divine abilities began to grow when I explored learning about 'past lives'. For some reason I could see peoples lives from the past with ease like I was looking at a book written about them. I paid hundreds of dollars on a course from a so called 'expert' but learned it was my divine gifts coming through that I could do this. In the mean time my 'friend' who was my witch sister kept her claws into me into different ways. She cursed my home where I lived and had a three-way with my former husband. Since they knew I was their 'winning' lotto ticket, I know she caused me to have anxiety so I wouldn't leave my husband. That fall in 2015, I moved back in with my husband but he got very ill and had to have surgery on his foot. Applying now what I know, he made a contract to leave his body and another Djinn occupied it. It was a 'for rent' situation on his body so that the Elite wouldn't lose track of me. It's a sick sick demonic plan and not only that they purposefully deceived me they deceived my daughter too. After mending my 'rental' husband back to health, things got more weird, his behavior changed and he would complain more. Even then we lived in separate bedrooms and I am greatly thankful that I did. I learned over time that he was cheating on me and it didn't come to a head until Feb 2019. That is when I permanently left. I left Colorado behind and moved to back to Canada. More odd things started happening when I returned. I had so little to my name, selling a 3200 sq ft home and having to put my beloved dogs to sleep due to health reasons. My heart was already in pain when I left. The strange events were about to unfold. 

In Winnipeg, I found a new job a new car and a new place to live. My Place as it was named by the owners was a comfortable home for me. I just wanted a bachelor apartment so I wouldn't need to manage cleaning to much since my health was still bad. In Feb 2020 is when it all started. I talk about this on another video but I will describe it here. I was attacked in my apartment not by human hands but by demons. I don't know how it was all done but it was horrible. I went through literal hell of violent audible attacks, drug induced sexual attacks and rape and so much more. It went one for months. I had to quit my job and I thought I was going to die. The hallucinations the panic the derogatory slurs was night and day in my head. I wanted to die, I truly wanted to die.
I remember them telling me I was Satan and I deserved eternal does one get to this point when you know in your heart of hearts, you begged for forgiveness and they turned me away. I didn't do any what they said, they laughed at me in my mind and said I was worthless...less than a penny. 

I journaled what I could and kept doing my best to praised God in spite of the profound suffering and anguish I was given. There were weeks, I couldn't move from my apartment. My bed was wet from my rivers of tears. Why is this important, it's because this was all designed by yours truly, the United States and Canadian governments. Yes, they were in bed with the Masons and knew they were trying to kill me so they could continue with their evil plan to depopulate the earth. A massive slaughter for their evil desires. I can't even describe what I all experienced in my head from these attacks. I just want it known that it was because of the Government and the only one who came to my rescue was Donald Trump. No he didn't come to me in physical form but he helped me challenge the Satanic system in my mind. I know it was him he left me clues. He was also my lover, a loving father image I never had to encourage me and uplift me. Then our connection stopped. Now I know it was because he had access to me divinely and he had demons to fight too.

Now it brings me to who I know I am. I was the wife of King Cyrus I was Isis, I was Athena, I was Miriam who knew Moses was an Alien. I knew things no one on earth should know and all my decoding was because of my divine ability to see truth. You see I conceived a child, I was that child, the one who came from above, who had to recall my masonic evil rituals to overpower and rewrite this matrix of lies they created. We made love to create a new world, to bring in a new life for all, I also knew that I was raped in one timeline as a young girl and they used it to create their failure of a Djinn race. This is why Hollywood was created. To fool the public with stories and magic. They mixed stories of their races and my lineage into there lies. Now they are open about witches and warlocks and even hid the eating children in not so innocent stories that we humans 'glazed' over. Now I can see there lies with my divine decoded language. Nothing is going to be hidden. They will pay for the evil of what they did for eons and now my divine children will get the rewards of help from divine parents.
Oh by the way Melania is also a bad plant in Donald's life too. 
A new dawn is upon us.

We are the truth, the real Q.

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