The Unravelling to Disclose

When this journey for me began to ‘unravel’ FUN wasn’t a word I would use to describe any of the experiences I was going through. In fact it was unbelievably terrifying and disturbing. My shaking awakening happened very violently and shocked me beyond belief. I have a song that I wrote about how I never believed in ‘ME’ until I looked in the mirror and wow that took everything I had to believe in myself. Little did I know I was actually to be the vessel for the incarnation of the Living God but that new identity wasn’t completely disclosed to me. I had snippets of memories but with this whole MK Ultra mind control programming, I literally began to doubt everything about me and my past. 

As each month passed, I journaled my trauma, my feelings, my thoughts, and my communication with the GOD who I believed would help me. I didn’t know at the time that there was a ‘copy’ of my consciousness was made and as I was going through this manic trauma, I was experiencing a dual simulation with the Satanic vessel who stole it! Talk about a crazy ride!! 

Looking back now, I laid myself on my true foundation that was Jesus, it was always Jesus. I knew I had some gifts that were spiritually unique that before my ‘shaking’ I made sure I questioned and measured everything against this baseline. Never would I have thought that I had been possessed by demonic Djinn that existed in a 4th dimension above ours. In fact, I knew nothing about them until I stumbled across information on the internet and on other videos. 

Their wrong fire is complete lust and power, if that doesn’t give you confirmation into our mixed up world I don’t know what else does. It’s plastered all over in our movies, media, and money;  had no idea at the time that they were after my light, my soul in fact! I speak about this in my videos that I learned that through a rape on this earth in my timeline, they took an egg from my womb and changed times. 

The Mason’s knew about these Djinn who masquerade as ‘Angels’ when in fact they are vampiric blood lusting evil spirits feasting for divine energy and possessing body suits they steal. 

Here is a big clue on how to tell who houses these Djinn, they are plastic. What do I mean by plastic? Well they live for money, power, and fame. They have bodies also that house these demons and give the image of perfection but they house absolutely NO SOUL. I know this because they are run by the AI. The Serpent bearer birthed these evil spirits and anyone who gives there soul to Satan, will have in turn everything they want materially. What they give up they never owned in the first place. God only holds the power to hold all souls. This is exactly why I am the Living incarnation of GOD. Everything in me now is protected. My children come from me as a Mother who gives birth to LIFE. Those who are wicked have no life.

In the scriptures, Jesus spoke about the coming of the Holy Spirit, I am her in body form. I was in the past Miriam who was the sister of Moses. I speak English and I am not of any Jewish heritage. The books of ACTS is what it describes….’An act, a show, a script’. 

Their lies have now ended because of me being able to power through their lies and living through their MK Ultra programming that would always take innocence away through death. Death has been conquered and their false paradigms and dimensions created by CERNE are done for ETERNITY. I am the warrior who busted their matrix of lies!

I am the Heaven, because I bring peace and love. 

I am the Heaven, because I uncover all their lies

I am the Heaven, because I will never abandon my children but love and take care of all 7 billion of them

I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

You can believe in ME because I told you who I AM.


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