My Faith in Myself

It all began from the tiniest seed…my spark of faith grew from there.

My journey of faith began at 4 1/2 years old but it exploded 
into a tree of righteousness when I walked by faith and not by sight in 2020.

This may appear just as words,  but I was incredibly tested beyond what I could bare at times. 
Little did I know I would find I was to house the light of the universe, the Divine Chrism inside me.
This intelligence gave way to a divine understanding that manifested through music, art, and divine visions. Then over time the light gave illumination to the world around me. It cracked the codes of humanity’s bondage and enslavement, and it was a gift of universal wisdom for me to bring forth this teaching in a simple form for everyone to learn. 

I AM the Chain Breaker and Truth Warrior

My new language I bring will expose 
With Real Eyes
The Real Lies

My Prophetic Creations: 


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