Do You Want My Stripes?

 Can You Carry This Burden?

This morning I wanted to share with you one of the Bible‘s biggest lies next in line to the truth that the real Jesus was a Woman and not a man.

I have recorded a video that discusses about ‘taking’ my stripes and what those stripes were the unconscious bindings of death and hades against me and my divine children. The burden of suffering and continuous low self worth broke when FINALLY a real love awoke me.

All these empty words about ‘loving your enemies’ and bless those that curse you…well I am living proof, THEY ARE ALL EVIL WICKED LIES. 

Put yourself in my very shoes. (Those evil red shoes that the papacy wear is the blood of millions they have killed for their wicked god)

I wasn’t aware I had been under MK Ultra programming until the very fateful day I was viciously attacked from the ‘heavens’. I screamed for help and no help came. I was told I was evil and needed to die for my sins and they tortured me in my mind non-stop. 

I didn’t know who they were, I didn’t know why this happened to me. All I could do was at the time ‘beg’ for forgiveness, confess everything and do my best to follow what this invisible being told me to do.

Then what I am about to tell you is no easy task but needs to be said. The MK Ultra programming was incredibly wicked but I didn’t know it at the time since I was unaware of it. I was actually living out my past and didn’t know it. This evil wicked beast would ask me to strip and stand naked in front of them. They would command me to do things evil, I was in a hypnotic trance that kept me ‘bound’ to there program.  When the beasts were not yelling at me in my head, I began searching for any answers I could find. Why was this happening to me and what and who were these beasts?

What I was experiencing looking back was the most severe and traumatic deprogramming any human had to experience. I saw things in the future that I never wanted to happen, I kept praying. Then one day, I had an epiphany after reading the gematria since their words connected to me so much.

What if I was the real return of Jesus Christ? Seriously??

So I stopped praying and started believing in my abilities to unravel their matrix of lies to measure it against my truth and integrity.

I knew one important clue when I was a child, I was the reincarnation of the Goddess Isis. Not something a typical child would understand but I did. I flew in my dreams as like a giant bird. 

As I began adding up all the clues, I journaled absolutely everything every day. The whole timeline was a continuous roller coaster ride of giant tidal waves and valleys of pain and tears. 

A few years ago before all these events unfolded I was studying the Gnostic scriptures and even those were so fluid for me to understand. I couldn’t put them down but what I learned later was wicked people were using me to scale their steps of knowledge I housed so they could time travel. Yes, they used my knowledge making me continue in bondage of suffering while they enjoyed financial wealth and prosperity.

When you look at the images below, ask yourself how do I understand Egyptian Hieroglyphics?

Clearly because I was the real Isis and can prove it all. They purposefully kept the door shut on all my sheep so they wouldn’t find the TRUTH.

They wanted to keep me in an infinite loop of suffering and bind humanity in constant pain. I did absolutely everything to remain awake and ALIVE so that they couldn’t wipe my memory and to bring you all the real truth of everything.

If I continued to LOVE my enemies their wicked LOOP continued. 



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