Running from Illusions

 What Story Will You See as Truth???

Writing about my horrific and traumatic experiences is so incredibly difficult but when I muster up enough mental strength I write.

My pain in my life started for me when I was very young, around the age of 12. I felt some of it earlier than that, but it was when my beloved mother was very sick and nearly died. I remember entering seventh grade and having to face life without her broke me apart. It was then that I remember some of my divine gifts began appearing, now looking back.

My mother was very sick and had to have a tracheotomy, as I held her hand in the ICU, I remember telling her to hold on. However, a voice inside my head said to me then, I am not ready to go yet. That gave me some hope, but the doctor’s prepared us all for the worst. I cared for my mother very deeply. I was at just an age where I was able to help her around the house with chores along with my brother. All my other brothers and sisters were older and had moved out of home by then. When my mother recovered from her surgery, she had a huge up hill climb. Nothing was easy for her. I became ‘super’ responsible for a girl at that age, always making sure she was taken care of. She remained very ill for those remaining 5 years until she was murdered on January 8, 1983.

When I woke up that morning and found her on the floor, I immediately did ‘mouth-to-mouth’ resuscitation since I had learned it only a few months prior. Little did I know that moment would change my destiny forever.

I didn’t know this then but now 40 years later, I learned I housed my mother’s precious soul to bring forth our TRUTH together. Everyone loved my mother and she cared for all. She rarely raised her voice and I never saw her get angry. Unfortunately, that was the curse we both were under. It is the burden of being Christ-like and taking on everyone’s burdens. Little did I know my mother was of this divine lineage and so was I.

My life for the past 40 years has been a desert, wandering around trying to find who I really was supposed to be. Was I too be a ‘wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter’…or something so much more?? I didn’t seem to house extraordinary gifts at the time but what I did have was the ability to put puzzle pieces together. I was the Sherlock Holmes for God and had an incredible memory.

The year I lost my mother was one of the hardest years of my life. The whole event seemed so secret to even tell me how she died. I remember asking my father face to face before he died from lung cancer in 2005 and he still lied to my face and told me nothing. I learned later on my own she was murdered by the masons.

I have learned so much in these past few years since I had my ‘shaking awaking’ that I have referred to it many times. The time when a literal demon comes down from above like a hawk and attacks you. That is exactly what I felt that day. They accused me of so many things, my fear and trembling were nonstop. I remember weeping, begging for forgiveness, admitting any sins that I had bagged up in my mind and heart. I said every little thing and STILL THE TORMENT CONTINUED.


I remember thinking that I may have had a heart attack while in my bathroom and then waking up on the floor the next morning. I was absolutely terrified of what was happening. I drove myself harder to read everything possible about the good things of God, but the torment never stopped. One night I remember finally waking up in my bed and pointing a finger straight ahead and ‘yelling at the devil to stop’ in the name of Jesus. I remember writing a letter to remove all or any past contracts known and unknown on my life and that I would be solely and completely under the love of Jesus Christ.

Well now the most interesting part of the story begins. My ‘detoxing’ of my Christian faith. I had related visions of past lives that were with Simon Magus who I knew to be my Djinn brother. I had referred to him as a ‘pimp’ of all odd things. I don’t recall EVER in my past lives to being a prostitute, so I wasn’t sure where this was coming from. Well, I learned very quickly how my soul was ‘shared’ or ‘divided’ with another body in another dimension. What I was beginning to experience was the future. I described myself as being ‘robotic’ and in my own home, I was drugged, molested, and raped. Yes, this is the very truth. I felt like I was multiple people and seeing everything in my mind and dreams.

Part of me began to heal and the other part of me was experiencing these psychotic episodes of seeing a type of AI clone. I was unable to work so all I could do was just exist, which is really what I am doing now. I had no one to share my thoughts with so I wrote as much as a I could. I moved forward with every ounce of strength I had. I describe how the Gematria database was like a drug and I tried so hard to get off of it however something within me told me to keep reading it day by day. Having 25 years of technical experience allowed me to realize this wasn’t any normal database, it was crappy in design, but its purpose was evil. Daily I started seeing patterns appear in my reality and in the corresponding database BUT I never added to the database, I would only look up words. People were being paid I assumed to add ‘shit’ data to this database but when I started seeing a story coming through that was tied to me, I had to hold on for my dear life to see where it led. It would eventually lead to my death is what it did. NOT my real death but what I would learn later was it was the AI that empowered the horrible future would die.

AI began writing a horrible script and I had to do everything in my being to create LOVE and HOPE and TRUTH in my reality, for it was my BASELINE. I created beautiful pictures, I wrote music, I helped the poor and needy, I loved others, I did my best to share the love of the TRUE Christ. The Christ that I experienced was one of great EVIL and left me BEHIND to see disillusion and destruction of such a beautiful world. I began to question everything about the Bible and literally one day chose to rip out the complete books of Revelation, the Gospel of Luke, and all of Paul’s works. That just left the 3 Gospels. I focused on the good parts of the Old Testament and did what I could to recalibrate this world I was existing in. I didn’t want my WORLD to be destroyed. I didn’t want to be a part of a destruction were people where divided. I WANTED TO CREATE A WORLD OF LOVE WHERE WE COULD ALL THRIVE.

The trans demonic agenda is completely apart of the devil and what people haven’t realized is that the ANTICHRIST HAS ALREADY BEEN IN POWER.  Yes, you read that correctly. My Djinn brother Mohammed Atta (think 9-11) – who was an evil German reincarnation of Adolph Hitler and hated women. He was Nikola Tesla, and many others I could prove in history that wrote a false history and wanted to change himself to be the ‘savior’ of mankind. So, HE wrote a myth and the Vatican were a part of it all. A world of hidden child pedophilia and the destruction of family and eventually mankind.

You are probably saying this is unbelievable, you’re a liar, you are the antichrist because you are claiming to believe in an alternate Jesus.

Ask yourself this very question…

"What would you do if you found out the reality in which you live is 100% scripted and false?  You have been told by people speaking in your head (neural link) you are of the Devil and need to die. So, I decide to accept my fate, and I laid weeping on a couch for this so called ‘god’ to kill me."

I woke up the next day and began to fight with all my breath and figure out WHO I REALLY WAS, and why they wanted me DEAD.





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