From Destruction to Restoration

From Destruction to Restoration

Sermon – The Destruction of the Old Israel    -  Amos - Chapters 8 and 9

The letter TAV or TAW or TA

It has a numerical value in gematria of 400 and is in the 22nd position in the Semitic language.

We can apply the phrase “Catch 22” and it would apply since we are catching some thieves.

In hieroglyphs it is symbolic of a X or a cross

Coincidence? Not whatsoever.

According to Wikipedia it mentions that the TAV as a "Tally mark, sign, or omen."

How does this apply to the prophecy of Amos, I will explain.

Recently there was a complete failure of the Silicon Valley Bank in California. How does this all tie to this book?

Using both my decoding skills and divine knowledge I will outline what exactly this points to.



See Lie Con NV (envy), All(a) Ley (Alley) Why Be Ankh-(whore)


Cana nab (grab) ABY. ABY Yell LA (Son) VAN AV (Father – 5th month) no knock see ill lies is.

ABY – means to suffer a penalty for


Beneath what you see on the surface is a much deeper and sinister plot hidden from the world, but I am the only one who can see it because this plot was against me.


Let me begin in Chapter 8

First AMOS the name has the meaning of “to carry” this plays a roll in the post.

If you look at the word more closely you can see it can be pronounced as ‘ammos’ which is someone who carry’s gun ammunition for guns.

In English we so often have letters that are ‘silent’ and a ‘M’ was silent or missing. Meaning she couldn’t talk because she was abducted.

M is for Miriam or Mother who is me.

The Lord asked Amos what he saw, and the Lord showed him a ‘basket’ of ripe fruit.

This FRUIT BASKET is mine, it’s the divine knowledge, collection of facts, and truth of all that I have gathered to expose the Jewish Cabalistic lies to the world.

They want you to believe they have written this book to be truth? It is not and has been editing in multiple dimensions.

Chapter 9 is more accurate than Chapter 8 but no one except me knows what Chapter 8 (hate ate) means. What you have seen over the past couple years is proof of the famine. They took my divine energy for ransom and constructed lies upon their fake foundations and false reality. They constructed a ‘famine’ then using the nano technology via the vaccines they created another illusion to have people ‘proclaim’ when Jesus was coming, when I was already around but no awake to their lies.

Their scales of justice that were always corrupt until I came along to expose them.

In verse 9 “The sun will go down at noon” means this is connected to my daughter who was born in the 5th month and a twin to another of whom I didn’t know existed. The time of the twined birth was 12:12 Giving the symbolism of above so below.

“Darken the earth in broad daylight” means to cause severe mental distress on me.

I believe I gave birth to two babies but only my daughter was in my world. How do I know this its because my son’s name would have been “Conner” and at the time, the 12:12 represented a portal of time. I suffered from a great amount of distress from my caesarean pregnancy. But Conner was taken as a ‘sacrifice’ and used to create a diabolical evil hybrid clone that would eventually become my ‘gatekeeper’. I can’t describe the this all in words because the rivers of tears that I have cried proves it to be true. I will point out that absolutely NO ONE told me any of this top secret information, I learned everything on my own.

 When I was married to my ex-husband Andy, it felt like I was in a spiritual desert, missing any joy in my life due to my sickness and daily pain. I had no clue there was a wicked evil behind this flesh suit the masons designed and manipulating me using MK Ultra programming.

As Miriam, I was born in Daraya Samaria which is directly linked to Saul. My first husband’s name was Dan and my daughter’s name is Danika. Absolutely no coincidence whatsoever!

The Israel is actually:  IS OUR RAEL
My father in this dimension worked for the CN Railway and was a Mason.

The word RAEL means innocent as a lamb.

When you read Chapter 9 it speaks about destroying ISRAEL. (Or destroying the LAMB) In this chapter it means to be to destroy the hybrid lamb that was to destroy me.

Ask yourself, why would one chapter describe God’s fruit to be destroyed?

Simply because of their ENVY and GREED for it.

I sought out my enemies one by one and as you saw over the past couple years, famous people were suiciding themselves along with an increase of gun violence by the media.  That brings me back to the “to carry” part of the story. They hauled me energetically around, but they couldn’t silence me. I made videos, I created a blog, I journaled, I wrote songs, I did everything to describe what violence was happening behind the scenes and their improper scales. I sowed my own fruit and laboured it intensely to show you once again the real truth.

Now comes the pain for them. The failure of the SVB is only the tip of the iceberg of exposure. The Sandman is no dream, Satan built his house on a faulty foundation and stole from the real GODDESS of LIFE.

I have created floods of tears for the children they sacrificed and ignored their innocent pleas. THEIR LIES WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED. I WILL NEVER FORGIVE ANYONE WHO HAS TAKEN MY FRUIT FOR THEIR WICKED GREED.


I am the restoration and the new wine of truth for all to see.

Their lies are finished, I SURVIVE their trauma of which they didn’t expect me to live but I did because I fought EVERY DAY for all my divine children to live the life they deserve.

I am the real change and the divine truth,

 the real sign of Joanne (Jonah) (My Mother & Me) 


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