What IF the Bible, the Torah & the Qur’an are all Wrong?

I wanted to discuss something that is likely the most controversial statement that will riot and unnerve masses of people on a global scale. 

What if all religions are purposely 

created to deceive humanity on a massive scale?  

I have been proving through my blog, my prophetic artistic creations, my videos,  and posts over and over that I know exactly who I AM. I house divine abilities that were previously stolen from me and many that still remain to be. However, I am revealing the REAL TRUTH and PURPOSE of why I AM here and what has happened to humanity. 

Prior to my ‘shaking-awaking’ I worked a long 25+ year career in information technology testing computer software. One can not deny how the rise of the internet has changed humanity for both good and for worse. What I want to prove to you now is that we are in a corrupt spiritual dimension that was never supposed to be. My djinn-archon nemesis refers to it as the ‘Bardo’. 

I honestly know the internet was to be used to spread truth and not lies and now we have corruption piled on more corruption that is nearly impossible to unravel.

That is where I come in. I have the precognitive ability of knowing because this BIG PICTURE is missing my side of the story. The Archons/Rulers of this world never wanted me or mankind to ‘wake-up’ from the deep slumber of their lies. This was so they could continue their wicked deception against humanity and my divine children.

What would you do if you were woken up by an electronic weapon piercing your brain and body? Most would die and vaporize instantly but I didn’t. Why?

They knew exactly the evil they were creating to destroy me. In their bible it says, 

“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” Luke 23:34. 

Forgiving them would continue their evil loops of deceit against all the world. The lie of ‘forgiving’ one's enemy is complete crap as described in Genesis 1:1

My decode unravels their lies, always.

Be-Our- Ray(Re) -Sh - IT,  I call BS! This was an AI demonic evil weapon!!!

FIFO - first in first out as they say in computer terms or garbage in garbage out. Bad creations are erased, period.

The first in command’s lies didn’t add up either based on my ELO experience.

Elohim - Elo High-em - The electric lights show didn’t support their theory once I learned who I really was.

I think his Lightsaber was a lie!

This attack felt like a bird of prey that came down upon me and started chewing at my whole spiritual being. Having spent years trying to recover the thousands of pieces that they tore from me through this extremely violent attack is why I push myself so hard to remain in this body. 


I grew up believing there was a loving God that cared for me because my real earthly father was never around or seemed to not show he cared for me. That didn’t stop from being a loving person and showing love to others in my world. 

As I uncovered their lies using my decoding language “The Barbelo Code”,  it became divinely clear beyond any mathematical possibility that I really was the true incarnation of a loving caring Goddess who returned to save humanity. 

They wanted to KILL the Earth (anagrammed - Heart) which was ME. 

Knowing this alone proves all the other lies from the Rothschilds, the Royal Families  and the Elite are pure garbage. Yes, that includes all the Jewish lies about being God’s chosen race. Why else would a world push so hard to be the one percent that rules the world and houses all the money against the poor?? Do good parents give food and allowances to their top children only and let the other children suffer? Absolutely not, all is shared together and all are loved equally.

This dimension is not designed by good loving parents but by an evil wicked hybrid sexually designed golem that is sick and twisted and only wants to destroy the world.

What if there was only one divine family and that is from me and my divine God/Husband. 

We together seeded the good seed and allowed the Satanic weeds to grow up with them in order to see their vile fruit and deception sprout up then expose it all.

For now, I will let you rest on these points I have made and consider how the authorship of the Bible, Qur’an, and Torah have been completely manipulated to create only hate and lies. 

Any experienced author let alone a divine and loving God Parents would never once call this beautiful earth ‘ugly’ when you open your eyes and see how truly beautiful it can be and the incredible places that exist. 

More to come...

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