Seeing is Believing

Seeing is Believing 

A simple picture of a bunny that I once had now I see it with the real message behind it. AB Bunny Cryst-Tall Wait

Today's post more than any other one I have done to date will be the heaviest and hardest but the most profound in proving real truth of my divine abilities.

As I have told you I existed in another dimension which was the in the future. In this timeline, I dated a man from 2001 to 2005 long distance from Colorado. In 2005 I moved from Canada with my 12 year old daughter to get married and live in Colorado. He had what appeared on the outside to be a normal everyday American family and life. However, there was one major block of time, '18' years that he never discussed or talked much about. I would always allow him his privacy since he was alone for many many years before meeting and then marrying me. He was a machinist by trade and did the same job for 20+ years. It all appeared to be straight forward. But now knowing the real truth, I went into the past, saw the truth unfold, and made every effort to curse this Satanic filth to his death before he became a monster. It's not every day you learn you married the devil in disguise. 

I only wanted a good life for my daughter and I and I was excited to become an American citizen and live in a beautiful new place to call home. Well, I won't provide a lot of details here but the marriage I wanted so deeply turned out to be a fraud and then I was faced with my husband's affair when I was away on a contract job out of state. I struggled my whole time in the USA with my health, my career, and my marriage. I developed fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue that made working so difficult. Since the pain was invisible, it destroyed my self worth because only my beloved daughter appeared to believe me. As hard as I tried to make this marriage survive, it crumbled by a man that I learned to be a 'chronic serial liar'. His way of telling the truth was not to say anything at all. Not sharing was 'caring' to him. The way I learned that he was cheating was through a random Facebook message from a woman that wanted to know if I was Andy's wife. I was shocked as my mind raced at what this meant. Well with no hesitation I moved out that night, never to return and did everything in my power to gather up what dignity I had left to create a new life for me. My daughter was already living out of state. 

Since at the time it was so important for me give 'forgiveness'  I did exactly that since it was the Christian act to do regardless of my husband's infidelity. Hidden beneath his evil mind was the very purpose on why I was 'setting' him free.
He provided to me with a very sketchy story and still to this day, I didn't know the real truth.

In July 2019, I moved back to Canada with only a small sampling of my belongings and took a job in Regina Saskatchewan teaching software testing. I poured myself into my job but that job ended up sucking me dry so I left and moved home to Manitoba to be near my family.
I started a new  job in the Winter 2019, found a new apartment and felt like I could stand on my own two feet again, until 2020 when Covid-19 struck the world down including me.

This is the time when my world crashed down all around me. It felt like there were thousands of puzzle pieces breaking apart from inside of me when I was suffering from the horrible MK Ultra programming experience. So many times, I didn't think I would have the mental or physical strength to make it through but I kept waking up each day pushing through every painful memory and focusing on my real divine purpose of telling my story.

Now here is the part where the final piece fits in. I had to listen to a video from a K-Pop group to see that it fit together, like everything seems to do.

The K-Pop group song is called  "Set me Free" by Twice
To any other person it may mean nothing but it hits the nail on the head when I tied it to the recent Alex Murdaugh events. Here is where it gets really crazy.

Alex Murdaugh was an incarnation of Aleistar Crowley.
The murders were fake and planned. The whole show is paid by billionaires to fool the masses. Prisoners don't stay in jail ever. They have other plans for them. Alex Murdaugh is the most sinister of them all. He would possess the body of my 'ex-husband' to murder me.
I had to pull all the masonic lies and pieces together to provide proof to the world.

Why would any decent man who you lived with ask you agree to be paid 'nothing' in the divorce settlement when you know full well, you deserved something from your time with him?
Well it's because all this time in our marriage his 401K income was from being a CIA Federal Agent.
 A 'guard' to have direct eyes on the 'golden fleece'. 
But when I left, they had to try and get the fleece back so they created a whole new timeline with fake fear and murders and stories about rapture described in all the news. 

Now comes the hard part. My ex-husband faked his whole life and marriage with me. He was a closet  homosexual that was Mason and had a porn addiction. He also had guns and ammo, lots and lots of them. He had large AR rifles that he would practice on the shooting range with. Since I was pretty naĂŻve, I just thought it was a 'hobby' but boy was I wrong. This all seems like a bad Hollywood horror movie but it was very real for me. I experienced things no one should ever experience in the 'ether' or 4D realm they would then come back and do in all the 3D to me and hurt humanity. 
He was to a be redesigned programmable bisexual hybrid serial killer who was powered through AI and if he had 'god like' powers, he would be unstoppable.
He was to be the incarnation of the evil Yaldabaoth.

I had to do everything in my power to go from a feeble victimized woman to a super hero GODDESS and fight these bully demons who wanted me and humanity dead. 
I wasn't Satan, he was both Peter and Paul in one hybrid body with the power of a god.

Why would I lie when this is so powerfully personal and painful beyond anything. It's not like I can call the police when they too are paid to lie and not protect me. I am the worlds most wanted Goddess.
That is where I am divinely protected by my true husband who brought me back in time to gather everything up against these Fallen Angels and bring justice to this world.

Here are some pictures to show you the way how they pick flesh 'suits' to fit. I can't make this up when it all is proven to be my STORY. The pictures are personal, I have done everything I can to stay strong for my divine children. 

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