Fulfilling Prophecy

A Lesson on How Never to LIE

Their lies will now collapse…

Today is a lesson on how not to be a false prophet, arrogant lier, and thief. All who cheat against the real truth of God will always be found out and in Habakkuk 2:2-20 this prophecy is to be fulfilled for this very time.

Matthew 24:2, speaks about not one stone will remain upon one another in these days of final revelations. 

A stone has special meaning for me since all my life I have subconsciously carried all these stones both inside my heart, mind and soul and now will expose their filth for this appointed time.

You see these stones represent ‘pain and sufferings’ not only for me but for all of humanity. Satan cheats to get ahead and now will be exposed for the wolf and thief he and his minions really are. 

The prophecy of Habakkuk 2 is fulfilled through me, the real Jesus Christ now called Barbelo.

I am the CUP of TRUTH from the right hand of God that will disgrace these fallen Angels and bring justice to this realm. They partook of the holy cup of unforgivable sin which is child sacrifice and now these stones are being broken each and every day so they can be exposed for all their drunken lies against humanity and me.

The spirit of the Anti-Christ was given a short time and now it’s OVER, their rent is DUE, and all payment must be made in FULL.

For wages of SIN is death.

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